50| Nott With Rainbow Ice Cream? You're Joking

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"That was awesome," grinned Lauren.

"And tiring," Michelle piped in.

"Oh wow, look who's here, the champion!" gasped Lauren dramatically, and Michelle slapped her.

Lauren feigned hurt and collapsed to the floor.

"Get up," Michelle muttered.

"And.. I'll let you two be," I said.

"No! Don't leave me with her," complained Michelle, pouting.

"Rude," Lauren replied, glaring at her.

I left swiftly before either one could say anything else.

"Diana! You're finally back," exclaimed Carina, standing up. "Yeah, we've been waiting forever," agreed Leah. "Even those three exchange students came," added Leah.


"Yeah, they're right there."

I looked to the side, seeing them. "Oh.."


"Nothing.. You guys want to go anywhere?"

"Sure. Ice cream parlor?" Carina grinned cheekily.

"Carina!" scolded Leah, and she only shrugged.

"Eh. Let's go," I said, pointing to the parlor in the distance.

"You're supposed to be on my side!" whined Leah, and Carina smirked. "She loves me too much,"


"Let's just go," I groaned.

Leah reluctantly followed, Carina skipping ahead. "She's weird." Nott said out loud, not even bothering to be quiet.

I could hear her muttering excuse you in the distance.

"I honestly don't think she could be any more energetic," Leah told me, and ran off, me following.


"Hi, may I get you six anything?" asked the woman at front, wearing a light pink and yellow apron. Nott wrinkled his nose at the colors, and the lady frowned.

"Um.. I'll have vanilla," said Leah, glancing at the list of flavors.

"Okay.." she scribbled something onto her notepad. "Any toppings?" she waved her hand at the colorful assortment of fruits, nuts, and candy.

"Strawberries please," requested Leah.

"'K, and you two?"

"I'll take.. Strawberry shortcake?" I looked incredulously.

"Alright! Any toppings?"

"Wait what? I-"

"Any toppings?"

"Uh.. no thank you."

"And you?"

"I'll have rainbow ice cream, with rainbow sprinkles, and rainbow candy!" beamed Carina, and Nott said she was weird aloud again.

"Sorry, we're out of stock," she noted, but looked like it was just because she went a bit overboard with the rainbow.

"Then I'll have.. Orange sherbert."

"Okay.. and you?" she eyed Nott suspiciously.

"Rocky Road? What kind of rubbish is this?"

She blinked. "Well, would you like to try it?" she asked with a forced smile.

"No. Give me a butterbeer"

"Excuse me?"

"You don't have that?"

"Um, no?"

"Muggles." he muttered under his breath, and Malfoy poked him, then whispered something to him.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't catch that?"

Nott gritted his teeth but didn't say anything.

"He'll have rainbow ice cream," said Draco unhelpfully.

"Coming right up.. Any toppings?"

"All the candy."

Nott looked ready to murder Draco, and I was at first confused. Was he on a diet or something? Then I realized that Nott was probably the least likely to get rainbow ice cream.

So that was how we all cheerfully (most of us) walked out of the parlor, occasionally laughing at Nott holding rainbow ice cream.

No music for this chapter.. I'm too lazy to do it lol. Um.. so ur probably wondering why I'm posting rn, and might think that I'm posting twice today! But sry, I'm not, so.. hopefully I didn't just make you upset. I might not have time to post tmrw, so doing it now on behalf of it. Yeah that's it. Normal tys to everyone!!! Have a nice evening (or morning)!!!


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