16| Nott Loses It At Professor Vestia

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Ring ring

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and looked at my alarm. 5:30 am

Why in the world was my alarm ringing at- 

Oh shit right, the homework. 

Sighing, I dragged myself out of bed and began working on Professor Demerta's stupid essay on sleeping. If she didn't want me to sleep in her class, maybe she shouldn't assign so much homework! With my earbuds in, I began to work as fast as possible on the paper. Maybe if I finished quickly enough, I'd get some extra sleep. 

How naive I was. 

As soon as I finished the last period on my essay, the damn bell just had to ring. Pursing my lips, I trudged off to the dormitories of Nott, Malfoy, and Zabini. 

"Come on... Professor Vestia now" 

Thankfully, there was minimal arguing and we were able to make it to the cooking room with little fuss. Though we were a little late, since Vestia had already began speaking. 

"I understand that most of you didn't have time yesterday to practice cooking chocolate mousse, so we'll do that later. And- ah, there is the remainder of the class. Theodore, Draco, Blaise, and Diana, would you care to explain what could be so important that you missed the first 5 minutes of my class?

Nott sneered and tossed his hair slightly out fo his face, "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT-"

"Don't yell in my classroom!" snapped Professor Vestia, showing a side I'd never seen to her.

"YOU FIL-" he was about to launch into the same phrase I'd heard too many times.

"You will respect your professors!"


"DETENTION!" she growled at him, fuming.

"MAKE ME", Nott growled back, throwing his bag across the room and pulling out a chair next to a few random girls. 

Just as it seemed like things were about to return to semi-normalcy, two girls who seemed to really like Professor Vestia stood up. 

"How dare you try to insult Professor Vestia! You're s-s-so RUDE!" yelled Mallory, smoke practically coming out of her ears.

Crystal stomped her foot and shouted, "If you don't appreciate her, then GO! No one appreciates you going around and insulting everyone, thinking you're so 'above' others! GO!"

I heavily doubted that nobody appreciated him since the two girls he sat next to were batting their eyelashes crazily, but ok...

Nott, somehow much calmer now, just rolled his eyes. "You think I fucking want to be here? I much rather be anywhere else to be honest. My manor is in ruins-"

"Oh my god you have a manor?!?" one of the girls shrieked. "That is like, soooooo hot"

"- My father is supposed to be in...jail, and I have about five businesses to run unless they get confiscated!"

Professor Vestia sighed, "Oh dear, let's escort him out. Diana, you're his ambassador correct? Please come with me. I am slightly concerned about Theodore... everyone else resume their work! On second thought, everyone begins their chocolate mousses!"

I gladly walked out of the classroom - now was not the time for Professor Vestia to find out I didn't do my homework. Eventually, we found Theodore sitting on a tree, perched in the middle of the school.

"Hi", I said stupidly, suddenly feeling very ugly and out of place in the light summer breeze of the garden. 

"Theodore...", Professor Vestia began, saving me from the silence. "Could you please-"

Before she could finish, Nott had stalked off into the trees, clear out of my line of sight. 

"Follow him please", Professor Vestia ordered, taking out a walkie-talkie. "I'm going to inform the principal of our uh, situation"

By the time I found him again, the bell was ringing and there wasn't much I could do but head off to my next class. Thankfully, Professor Vestia arrived just in time to save the day. "Ah! Thank you, Diana, you're excused from any detentions you have acquired so far. You've been a great help, now please-", she made a shoo-ing motion and I took that as my signal to leave. 

The next few classes, Biology and P.E, both passed in a second, though as I was changing out of my dirt-splattered shirt, I spotted a tall figure creeping through the grass.

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