17| Kristen Is Annoying, But I Think We All Know That

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"Hey", Leah said for the fifth time. "That's the break bell what's wrong?"

I shook my head, the figure had disappeared- like the strawberries in cooking days ago. What was going on? 

"It's nothing", I muttered. 

Leah frowned, "I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything"

"Yea but this... I don't know, you wouldn't believe me anyway"

"Fine, tell me when you're ready to trust me", hissed Leah, turning away.


"Argument with your so-called "friends"?" asked the very last person I wanted to hear.

"Leave me alone, Nott." I muttered.

"But you're an ambassador. Wouldn't want us to get lost, do you?" he smirked.

He was awfully different from earlier in Cooking. 

I grimaced. "Excuse me." I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed towards the restroom.

I could hear them snickering behind me.

The bathroom was large, and empty. Almost. In front of the mirror, stood the one and only Kristen Eelops, applying lip gloss, then taking selfies.

"Omg, this is TERRIBLE lighting. And I see a peasant in the background! Move it."

I almost scoffed. "You don't own this place."

"Actually, according to Daddy, he can easily buy this whole school without even noticing he spent any money. I can buy this restroom with a spoon." Holding her phone, she started to text someone.

Then she sashayed away, the sound of her high heels fading away slowly.

I sighed in relief. Carefully splashing my face with water, I noticed an object sitting on the counter. Kristen left her phone. And it was open!

I tried not to be nosy and ignored it, but couldn't help myself and peered over it.

What I saw wasn't what I was expecting.

AHHH you probably hate me now for another cliffhanger AND for taking so long to update. I really have no excuse...and this is the shortest chapter ever. SUPER SORRY I'll try to update tomorrow if I have time.


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