22| I Have An "Interesting Family." Yeah, I Do.

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 The way there was pretty uneventful, except for the fact when Zabini almost stepped in dog poop, a bird flew into Malfoy's hair, making him shriek like a girl, and when Nott yelled at an innocent person crossing to road to "Scram, filthy muggle." He was not pleased.

I rang the doorbell and stepped back, waiting for my mum to open the door.

"Who is- oh! Diana! I thought you were staying in dorms this year."

"Erm, well, I am, but I forgot something here yesterday."

"Mm. And who are these lovely boys? You never bring boys home-"

"Oh it's not like that, I'm an ambassador for some exchange students, and-"

I wanted to say, "And they are the complete opposite of lovely," but I decided against it.

"And what?"

"And, I better get going." I stuttered.

"That's fine. Oh, Anastasia will be so happy to see you! And Robert, Diana's here to visit with these lovely boys!"

I was going to protest after seeing Malfoy smirk behind me, but instead kept quiet. I also was almost going to ask Nott why he wasn't smirking as well, but decided against it after repeating the thought in my mind and realizing how weird it would sound, along with the following conversation...

"Why aren't you smirking?"

"Do you want me to? After all, you did name the last chapter "wHeN nOtT SMirkS sOmEThInG's WrOnG."

Then I would make a fool out of myself, although I had no idea what he was talking about with the chapters, but I agreed with whoever wrote it.

Instead, Nott's face twisted into a mixture of spite and grief, then paled by the slightest. I couldn't think of anything wrong that Mum said, so I just entered my house and threw my bag down carelessly, the hummingbird keychain dangling losely.

AN: I guess I can tell you this, Theos's mom's name was Anastasia. She died when he was little. :< but I guess keep reading :>

Anastasia, my 4 year old sister, ran up to me and embraced me, her little fingers struggling to grasp onto my body.

"Wour home," she squealed, her little pigtails bouncing playfully. "Mummy says you can onwy stay fow a bit. And I dwew a pewfect house ooday! Who are these pople?" she asked innocently, glancing behind me.

"That's Theodore, Blaise, and Draco."

"Fwends?" She asked.

"Uh, well..?"

"Hm.." She ran up to them and looked at them curiously.

Zabini finally decided to speak up. "Your sister is weirdly cute."

"Fwank you." She squeaked.

"Well, I just came to get my keys, forgot them in my room."

"Anastasia, these cookies aren't gonna eat themselves!"

"OOH, COOKIES!" She yelled, and speeded toward the living room as fast as her little feet could take her.


"This house is tiny and hot." grumbled Nott.

"Oh, geez. Open the window, will you, Brooke?" I looked at my other sister, who was sitting on a desk, her legs crossed.

"Do it yourself." she said, being her 14 year old self, not bothering to look up.

"Who are you?" she then asked Nott, who was standing still in the middle of the room.

"None of your business." he sneered.

"Rude." she scoffed, jumping off the desk, then walking away. "MUM! CAN I GO TO THE CAFE WITH CHLOE AND LYRA?"

"Sure, honey, just be back by 7!"

She made a hmph sound at being called "honey", but nonetheless, exited through the front door.

"You have an interesting family," noted Malfoy.

I ignored him and went to my room, finding the exact same way I left it. Searching the drawers for my car keys, I finally found it in the top drawer, next to all my books. Meanwhile, the others were looking around my bedroom.

"Loren Gray? What kind of people are these?"

"Muggle singers, I guess. Rubbish."

AN: Not trying to be rude to Loren Gray of anything, I think she's amazing, but you how these wizards are...

"We're not staying here forever. Come on, I got what I came for."

Running down the stairs, I waved goodbye to my mum and dad.

"See you later, Mum, Dad."

"Bye, sweetie!"

"And take some cookies before you leave!"


She shoved a batch into my hand, and ushered me through the door.

"Cookies?" I grumbled to the rest.

"I'm not eating some muggle food." sneered Nott, crossing his arms.


"Well, I'm going to the mall-"

"Why?" Malfoy rudely interrupting.

"Girl stuff. Anyways, you're not coming-"

"We're coming."

"But I told-"

"We're coming."

"This is private business-"

"We're coming."


And that was the start of the weirdest car ride ever.

Yay, so "lucky." Hmph.

CHEER TO UPDATING! I haven't for sooo many days!! And THANK YOU to everyone who voted and commented and stuff. Yeah...I literally spelled Anastasia wrong so if you find any with two Ns that's why-


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