82| So What Happened to Professor Rudolph?

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The next day, the hallways were full of posters. I saw names from Maria McGoodie to.... Kristen Eelops. I had to admit, though, Kristen's posters didn't look half-bad.

 I had to admit, though, Kristen's posters didn't look half-bad

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(credits, again, to @roseguest)

They actually looked pretty good! I wasn't going to tell anyone that, though. A few hours later, I was talking to Leah.

"... so who do you think's going to get chosen?" Leah asked.

"I dunno.. I feel like Kristen, because life just hates me," I responded.

"Well, you got together with Theodore Nott, right?" she winked.

"We're not dating!" I blushed.

"Yeah, let's see how long you can say that for," she smirked.

I huffed, then changed the subject. "How about homecoming king?" I asked.

"Theodore Nott," she grinned.

"He's not entering. I asked him."

"So you have his number now?"

"Shut up."

"If you insist, M'Lady."

She didn't stop talking."So, I heard from Carina that you got Theo a birthday gift or something. Given it to him yet?"

"No..." I muttered.

"Then give it to him! His birthday was just last week, anyway."

As if she needed to remind me.

"I'll give it to him if you drop the subject!" I grumbled.

"Done," she shrugged. "But I'm watching you."

Before I went to grudgingly give Theo his gift, I had literature class, which I definitely was not looking forward to.

After all, as far as I knew, Professor Nott was dead, and for Professor I-Don't-Know-His-Last-Name, I hadn't heard from him.


Hey, you know what

happened to Professor


Theodore Nott:

Who? Oh him

He's dead.



Theodore Nott:

You were the one that

asked. He tried to run,

but then some police

caught him, and you

know what happened



So substitute?

Theodore Nott:

Guess so. See you in




I smiled and closed my phone. Literature class was actually enjoyable for once, as the new professor, Professor Hecatia. She was much better at explaining things, too. We weren't done with Stereotypes yet, and were on chapter 50 or so.

(Stereotypes is now posted on Wattpad, by the way!)

Calypso looked around, she was in the entrance of the smoke-filled entertainment room at Dralfoy Manor. It was apparently the '777 Official Death Eaters party' or whatever.

She looked down at her dress, it was a short silver dress that she'd gotten from a tug-o-war store 'White Fox' or something. Usually, she wouldn't wear something from a thrift store to a death eater party of any sort but it was her only option that would match the makeup she'd already done on herself.

"I didn't know you would come"
Calypso almost screamed as she turned around. "You had to wear the stupid mask didn't you Cleo?"
When he didn't respond, Calypso sighed. "Of course you did"
"Believe me, I wouldn't be wearing it if it wasn't necessary. You should've heard my father this morning, 'it's regulation' blah blah blah"
"I suppose he's proud of you though isn't he?"
"Proud? One would think I just discovered a new planet"

"Wouldn't put it against you to"

"Oh please. Astronomy's useless"


As more days progressed, it was the day to vote for homecoming king and queen. I wasn't sure who to pick, but I definitely wasn't going to vote for Kristen. Not that my vote mattered, anyway.

I opened the list of who to vote for:

Contestants for homecoming!

Running for queen:

Lianna Mangle

Raina Fasterdon

Makayla Wilfers

Greta Allen

Mary McGoodie

Hylla Drakos

Hm. I hadn't talked with Hylla for a while.

Kristen Eelops

Jaelyn Grace (ty for filling in the form!)

Leilani Romero (sry for the super late response 😓 ty for filling out the form though! I'm glad you like the story :D)

Of course. What was I expecting?

Running for king:

Brandon Peterson

Scott Edwards

Paulo Bask

Liam Kompers

Mmmm. I wasn't sure who to vote for, until I saw the last name on the bottom:

Theodore Nott.

Yes, I know, AGAIN. If you still want to submit your name, then I'll add a few more after I post! You won't get picked since I already decided who was going to be, but just for the fun of it.

We reached over 8K! I'm so happy, you have no idea! Thank you to all my readers, I love you all so much :)

And.. as you probably guessed, I have another poster brought to you by @roseguest! Again!

 as you probably guessed, I have another poster brought to you by @roseguest! Again!

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The phone number at the end might be wrong, idk how it is in Britain. Please don't get mad at me...!!!

EDIT: Thank you bbmarvel98 for the comment! It's +44, but I can't change the poster :(


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