31| Nosy Mums (Don't Tell Her I Said That)

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"The fine. It was paid days ago!"

"It was?"

"Mmhmm. By a lovely boy, might I add."

"Um.. did you happen to get his name?"

"I don't think so.. Pretty sure the money came from a "vault" or something? Owned by "Nott" and "Malfoy."

Leaning over the table, I felt like I was going to faint.

"You're kidding."

"Why would I be?"

"There's no way-"

"I'm a police officer. I don't lie."


"I don't joke either."

"It can't be though-"

"Well, it was paid, whether you like it or not!" and then he hung up.

"B-but- hello?"

I sighed, then received another call.




"Care to explain why your bank account is near empty? I found it full with 3,000 pounds yesterday. Now there's 5."

"Uh- wait why are you checking how much money my bank account has? I was well aware it was none of your business-"

"I'm your mother. Now what happened to the money."

"Well, it's a long story.."

"And I have all day."

"Um, it started with..."

"DIANA! I thought I taught you better than to get in trouble while driving! I thought you took traffic school!"

"I-I did!"

"Well, young woman, you are grounded!"

"I'm at school-"

"You know what, forget it! Sometimes I forget how crazy of a daughter you are.."


"Nevermind that. Just so you know, you better be glad that the fine is paid."


"Now DON'T let this happen again, or you'll never hear the end of this-"

"I get it, I get it!"


"Aren't you excited?" Carina squealed, jumping up and down.

"Well, can't say I'm TOO excited-" I grumbled, not sounding excited at all.

"It's a COMPETITION! Go Laybell Leopards!"

"Yay!" I said.

"I don't get why you're so down.."

"Just have a lot going on right now."

"Oh. Well, you don't have to go if you don't want to. But pretty please?"


"YES! Now come on, the game's starting in 10 minutes!"


"Get some popcorn or something! Cheer up."

I took a seat and watched the field as Carina disappeared into the locker room.

Muggle Trouble -Theodore Nott-Where stories live. Discover now