73| Shopping For A Present

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"Hey, did you hear it was Theo's birthday next week?" Carina whispered to me.

"Really?" I asked. "How'd you know?"

"He has a social media account, duh," she showed me her phone, and sure enough, it was him.

"Okaaaay.. So, when is his birthday?"

"December 7th, apparently. Are you getting him a present?"

Probably not his actual birthday, but-

"What? A present?"

"Yeah! Oh my gosh, we could go shopping for his gift this Sunday! Yes!!" she squealed before I could object.

"What am I gonna get him anyway?" I asked.

"The store's full of surprises. You'll find one, promise," she told me.


I arrived at PARTIES 'n CO, definitely not ready to look for a present.

"You're here? Okay, now let the hunt begin!" Carina cheered, and raced inside the store, me following behind.

The store was full of colorful decorations, presents, wrapping paper, candy, and balloons. However, I still doubted that Nott would appreciate any of it.

"Hmm.. do you think he'd want something green? His profile is a snake, after all."

"Better green than yellow," I muttered.

"Ooh! Yellow would look nice.." Carina pondered thoughtfully.


"Okay, then what does he like? A phone? Nah, that makes it too obvious you like him.."

"I do not like him!"

"Suuuure, whatever you say," she said sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes.

"When am I gonna give it to him, anyway? It would look awkward if I just handed it to him.."

"He's having a party." she said flatly.

"Oh, how fun, I'm totally gonna get an invitation!"

"Phooey. Just wing it, 'k?"

"Yeah. Wing it. Easier said than done."

"Come on!" In the next minute, she was rambling again.

"My post got almost 250 likes yesterday! I was so excited, but anyway, have you chosen a present for him yet? Hmm.. aha! You should get him, like headphones or something? Boys these days, almost so cooped up in playing games-"

"He doesn't seem like the type to play games."

"Well, there's other stuff too! Like.. listening to music with them! I wonder what type of music he likes."

"Do you really need to know?"

"Yeah, you're right, probably something boring.."

"That's not what I said!"

"Oh come on, just buy it! I didn't even know the store had these, but look at those headphones! Supes cute!" she picked up a glittering pink one.

"He's Nott." I deadpanned.

"Oh yeah, right. How about this one?" she picked up a glittering green one.

I didn't say anything, gaping at her.

"You're right, too shiny.." she fumbled through the aisle, and finally showed me one triumphantly. It was another green one, but it looked at least normal.

"Alright, then we're getting that one!" I almost yelled, relieved that the shopping was over.

"I thought you liked shopping," pouted Carina, reading my thoughts.

"Well, sometimes! Not when it's to look for one thing for someone who's not even my friend!"

"Right, he's your crush," she smirked.

"No! I have no relationship with him, whatsoever!"

"Eh, we'll see,"

I sighed.

I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FIVE DAYS AGHHH sorry if it's late, I spent a really long time creating accounts and editing (terribly) pictures for this chapter. Here are the finished results:


Theo's account:

(This is all fake) kinda... theo and carinas follower count/ likes r at least
Go follow Theo! He has 0 followers rn... let's change that :)

Next is Diana's account! (Go follow her! She's real)

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Next is Diana's account! (Go follow her! She's real)

Next is Diana's account! (Go follow her! She's real)

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Next is Carina's post!

Next is Carina's post!

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