25| Are We In Trouble? Knowing Our Luck, We Probably Are...

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"What did Jordan say he was wearing?" I asked as I approached Glitz, Glitter, and Glam Prom! then entered the sparkling entrance into a white interior with dresses hung on every hanger and display.

"Well, he said that he thought light blue would look good on me, so he was going to wear light blue." Leah noted, looking at the dresses.

"That one looks cute," Carina said, pointing to a dress with a v-neck and shimmers trailing down the bottom, along with a split on the right side. (see pictures on top)

"Mm. How about this one?" Leah asked, looking at a flowery dress with white flowers flowing down the sides.

"I like this one." I said, keeping my eye on the dress with a smooth surface, the top folded downwards.

We ushered Leah to the changing room with all three dresses.

Each time she tried one on, it didn't look too right, but we didn't want to be rude, except for Nott, with the occasional "that looks pathetic" comments. After a long time of search, Leah found another one she liked with a (Idk how to describe it look at the top) and after she wore it, we all agreed it looked nice.

"That will be 20 pounds." said the cashier.

(I have no idea how British money works is 20 pounds a lot?)


Leah handed over the gold, and we continued to look for dresses.

Carina ended up with a long, lavender dress, and I didn't decide yet, since I didn't have a date yet.

"Just ask someone already! Maybe Theo, hm?" asked Carina.

"Ew, no! And he's going out with Kristen." She shook her head.

Carina wrinkled her nose. "Bad taste. Ask Blaise or something."

"Yeah, he doesn't sound too bad."

And that was why I was now going to Blaise to the welcome party. I hadn't expected him to say yes, and I partially hoped he wouldn't.


Then I picked an emerald green dress. (See at top)

The dresses were expensive, and once we were done picking out dresses, Nott was practically fuming.

"If this is how long girls take to shop," he growled, "Then I'm never dating anyone."

I shrugged. He would be better off single.

"We're going now," I said instead.

In the car, this time, Blaise sat in the front with me.

"Teach us how to drive," ordered Nott, his mind made up, and Malfoy nodded in agreement.

"I- I can't just do that!"

"Come on!"

"You don't have any experience-"

"Which is why we need to learn!"

"Then no!"



They quieted down after that, and I peacefully started to drive.

It was a little TOO quiet. I failed to notice that, however. In the distance, I heard sirens ring.

Probably just another car accident. I swear, this highway is SO crowded sometimes!

"Er.. Diana?" Blaise asked nervously.

"Hm?" I asked.

"You might want to look back."

Another cliffhanger!! Ooh, wonder what happened. *malicious grin

I already know, but you have to guess. :> I might forget about this incident, but I'm not planning to explain this whole jumble of stuff. Gotta find out yourself!! If I happen to forget about it, please tell me! This idea was just thought of, I was not planning for it to happen whatsoever! Idk why I haven't updated in such a long time....

AND, before I forget, TY to Vania3408, who added my story to their reading list! And the love story is finally out in the title! I'm thinking about making a new cover though... this one is a bit. Colorful? Idk. But, still deciding. So, yeah. If you followed me or commented or smt like that recently, sry for not mentioning you since I probably forgot.


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