18| Texting, Starbucks, And Weirdness

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Omg, hi! Literally taking selfies

and skipping class 😘


Lol school is the worst. What's

the point of it anyway when

you're rich? <3


Yeah, totes! Anyway, have you

SEEN the new exchange students?

One of them, Nott I think, is so

cute, AND he's rich


Supes my type! 🤗


And you're both the

prettiest seniors! You

were literally made for

eachother 💗


Obviously we're prettiest! I

was the one who chose it!


You did? Oh, yes, you

wrote the list! That diana

lady NEEDS to go 🙄


I agree. Well, wanna hang

out this weekend? I'm

getting a manicure. Very

well deserved 😃


I'm in! TTYL!

So Carina was right! Kristen did write the list! I took a picture with my phone just in case I would need it later. Walking out of the restroom, my mind clearing, I ran into-



"Watch where you're going, you filthy little mu-"

"Hi." I said tersely, not wanting to start a conversation or an argument.

"You're supposed to be nice to us," he sneered.

I took a deep breath, then said, "Fine. Have a nice break."

But he had already walked away. I sighed and sat down in the grass.

"Tiring day, huh?" asked Carina, plopping her bag down and sitting next to me.

"Yeah.." I said, picking through the weeds.

"I talked to Leah. She'll speak to you when she's ready." I nodded in thanks.

Then I told her about the whole fiasco with Kristen's phone.

"I did tell you." she said, pulling grass out of the dirt restlessly.

I laid down, inhaling the sweet air.

"Don't be so mopey, we're not spending this time doing nothing!" She sprang up, pulling me upwards.

I groaned, not in the mood to do anything.


"Tell you what. Let's go to Starbucks." I agreed, so I stood.

We were delayed when Carina started to talk with some others, Lacy, Matthew, Carlianna and Damien if I remembered correctly from freshman year.

"Hi Carina!" Lacy waved to her.

"Hey, Lacy."

"We were just planning to go to Starbucks. Want to come?"

"Oh no, we're fine. In fact, Damien-"

"Needed help from a junior." Carlianna finished smugly.

"Shut up, Carlie." Damien said.

Carlie stuck her tongue at him.

"Fine. You win. Just this once."

She smiled triumphantly.

"Talk to you guys later?"

"Yeah, ok!"

Carina took her phone out and started to check her Instagram.

"I gained 50 followers overnight!" she said excitedly. "Selfie?"


We walked in silence for the rest of the walk.

Starbucks was just across the road. The man at the counter looked awfully grumpy, while there was a long line.

After what seemed like forever, it was our turn.

"Um, I'll have-" I looked at the menu.

"A Caffe Misto."

"And I'll have a Very Berry Hibiscus!"

We paid and left."

"What's the time?"


"Almost class."

Running back very quickly, I rushed into the math classroom just in time.

I was late. Waiting for Professor's Minerva's voice, I looked nervously around.

"Why are you late?" asked a gruff, VERY male voice.

I updated! And another kinda cliffhanger! Good for you!


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