75| Mysterious Books

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"What do you mean, he's missing?" asked Kristen snobbily, because of course she had to be there.

"I mean, he's missing: not able to be found because they are not in their expected place." The adult answered skeptically.

"I know what it means! But how is he missing? And why is she here?" she turned to me in disgust.

I rolled my eyes. "I was invited, that's why."

"Who in the right mind would invite her?"

"Theodore Nott," the adult raised his eyebrow.

Kristen huffed and sashayed away.

Luckily, Carina and Leah were still at the party, or I would've been alone in the snow for three hours.

"So, he's missing again?" asked Carina while driving.

"Yup," I muttered.

"Wonder where he is. You should go look for him!" Leah suggested.

"Are you crazy? He'll come back, like last time." I grumbled.

"You still should! And anyway, Carina, you have to tell me what happened 'last time,'" Leah said brightly.

"Oh, yes! So it all happened with my kitten, Slither." Carina began cheerily.

"Interesting name," Leah mused.

"I know, right?" she squealed.

"Okay, I was taking a walk a few weeks ago when I saw a little kitten! She was searching the streets for food, and I just couldn't resist the cuteness. So, luckily, I had some leftover sausage from lunch, and I fed it to her. She loved it, and I just had to bring her home. She's really sneaky, which is why I called her Slither, I thought it fit, you know? Anyways, then-" she continued on and on.

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally finished. "So, Diana, what if he's not coming back? No one's gonna find him! It's up to you, and you only!" We had a silent staredown, but since Carina has the eyes of a statue, she won.

"Fine." I gave in.

"Yes! Now, first step in solving a mystery: Questions. You'll need to answer the basic ones first, like where was he last seen- You're writing this down! -and maybe interview a few people. Then, clues! Every mystery has its fair share of clues! Investigate places he recently was, and find some clues! Anything from notes to trails count! Then, gather your suspects! Who do you think is guilty and capable of capturing Theo! Last, gather up all your information and it could lead to something! Notes could be puzzle pieces! Numbers can be transferred into letters! Follow trails! Then boom! Case solved, case closed!"

"..my brain wasn't able to process all that."

"You were supposed to be writing it down!" she hissed.

"And you were supposed to talk slower!"

Carina sighed. "So, to sum it all up, questions, clues, suspects, culprit! Or QCSC for short! You can pronounce it as.. Que-cee-s-cee!"

"Quesadilla what now?" My face contorted into a confused look.

She ignored me. "Well? What are you waiting for? Let the hunt begin!"


This 'hunt' began with us going back to school to search his dorm room. (With the permission of his roommates, of course)

I was pretty reluctant to enter it, since I was worried that he had some creepy item ready to jump out at anyone who wasn't him. Then again, I also remembered what the room looked like since I saw it earlier in the year.

That was probably the only reason I even neared six feet of it. When Carina opened the door with a key, I didn't know what to expect.

What I got, though, was just a normal dorm room, a few weird things here and there.

"This is perfect!" exclaimed Carina, and raced towards a drawer.

"I feel unsafe around here," I stated.

"Shut up and search for anything!"


"Actually, since you're the one finding him, why don't you search for a bit?" laughed Carina nervously, and was gone before I could say another word.

I sighed, and moved to a big bookshelf. The books on it were very peculiar looking, and I pulled one out.

"Hogwarts: A History." I read.

"What the heck?" I pulled another one out. The Art of Magic. Dark Magic for Beginners. Your Guide to Death Eaters. Horcruxes: What Are They? Making Dark Spells. How To: Spells. Defense Against the Darkness. What Is Potion-Making?

The list continued. I narrowed my eyes, and opened one up. On top of a mysterious, dusty, black cover, were the words: Known Death Eaters. I slowly flipped through the pages, each one scarier than the last.

Bellatrix Lestrange. Fenrir Greyback. Amycus Carrow. Alecto Carrow. Corban Yaxley. One name in particular, however, made me freeze.

Theodore Nott Snr. And the picture was Nott's father. And he was wearing Draco's Halloween costume.

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