56| When In Doubt, Barricade The Door

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Edited by @roseguest -i finally let you edit it before i post, happy now?

"What are you doing?" asked a voice from behind me, and I shakily stood up, before coming face to face with...

Nott. (Jr? Idk)

At first I was relieved that it was him, but I.. kind of? regretted it. "Were you spying on us?"

"Er.. yeah, about that.." I said in a ridiculous high-pitched voice.

He glared at me.

"Were. You. Spying on us?"

"Um.. oh wait! I just remembered that I have.. Er, math class now, so.. Catch you later?"

"You're not going anywhere,"

"You know how Professor Minerva is when you're late-"

"Stay." His eyes flashed with anger.

I stared at him fearfully. "Uh-" I said softly.

He grabbed my arm. "You were eavesdropping."

"I- fine. I was, okay? But I didn't figure anything.. Important out." I lied.

Nott scowled, "You're a really bad liar."

"Sorry?", I squeaked.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Not. a. Word. to anyone else. Got it?"

I nodded my head frantically. "Of course I-"

"Not your friends. Not my friends. Not your parents. No teachers. No one"

"But-but- it sounded like he was threatening you! I want to help!" I had no idea what made me say that, now I was going to die trying to help Nott of all people.

I could even imagine my grave-

"I don't need your help. You're just a filthy animal" he sneered.

"I- I-"

Finally, Diana's sense came back to her and she ran for it before Nott could get revenge for when she punched him earlier. Up the hallways, through the courtyard, and back to her dorms.

She didn't stop until she'd safely barricaded her door with three chairs, a table, and a trash can. She didn't even stop when the janitor gave her a week of detention for running in the halls. If only he knew how scary Nott looked back then, he would be running for his life too...

Probably even faster then she had.


Several hours and two near-panic attacks later, she finally got herself together to go to detention. Then when she was halfway to Professor Naughty's classroom, she realized she was wearing a rather unflattering shirt:

 Then when she was halfway to Professor Naughty's classroom, she realized she was wearing a rather unflattering shirt:

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Mentally face palming, I ran back to find myself 5 minutes late, but still had to change. I rummaged through my closet desperately, hopefully finding something.

Excuse me if you think Diana's scared of Theo a bit in this chapter, but technically my sister wrote most of it, so don't blame me if you don't like that. Credits to roseguest for drawing that shirt lol. Anyways, I got like 20 notifs yesterday so a whole big TYYY to BasharAldarrajiroseguestwhore4whitemenMsMalfoy8bmalfoy100Queen_stina, and cookieneon for voting, commenting, and adding my story to their reading list!!


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