2| Forgetting What a Pencil Is TIGHT

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Gasping, we burst into Room 2, and I introduced them to Professor Audrey, a young woman with auburn hair and silvery grey eyes. 

Just as the class was about to begin, we hastily found a few seats in the middle of the classroom.

"Welcome, students and transfer students to History! We're going to start this term off with Ancient Greece. We will be picking up where we left off last year so please turn to page... wait I can't find my lesson plan."

One student raised her hand, "Does that mean we don't have class" 


A few seconds later, our band director waltzed into the room. "Yes, dear?"

Professor Audrey stared at him incredulously. "You're ridiculous, childish, stupid, horrible, and an absolute motherfucking asshole. Give me my lesson plans before I make you"

Mr. Hermay shrugged his shoulders. "Your brother is so much more fun", and he tossed a thick folder back at her. 

Professor Audrey glared at him some more as she pushed him out the door and locked it. "Right class, we are on page 42069."

"Do you guys have your books?" I asked worriedly, looking over my shoulder.

"Er, yeah," Ron replied, and I nodded. Good. 

"Shut up Diana. Having guests will not stop me from putting the entire class in detention on the first day." 

The entire class gasped and I could feel their glares. 

"Now that I have everyone's attention, please read the first 20 paragraphs on the page. Remember to focus because for homework, I expect a 500-word summary - HANDWRITTEN- by tomorrow, first thing next class."

The whole class visibly groaned and the sound of flipping pages filled the air. Who knew the last year was going to be so hard. 



     The name Artemis, is of unknown or uncertain etymology, although various sources have been proposed. suggested that the e/i interchange points to a origin. Artemis was venerated in as Artimus. George Babiniotis, while accepting that the etymology is unknown, also states that the name is already attested in Mycenean Greek and is possibly of Pre-Greek origin. The name may be possibly related to árktos (from *h₂ŕ̥tḱos), supported by the bear cult the goddess had in () and the remains at the , as well as the story of , which was originally about Artemis (epithet Kallisto); this cult was a survival of very old totemic and shamanistic rituals and formed part of a larger found further afield in other cultures (e.g., Gaulish ). It is believed that a precursor of Artemis was worshipped in as the goddess of mountains and hunting, . While connection with names has been suggested, the earliest attested forms of the name Artemis are the a-te-mi-to /Artemitos and, a-ti-mi-te /Artimitei. According to J.T Jablonski, the name is also"compared with the royal appellation Artemas of . Jablonski argued that the primitive root of the name is probably of Persian origin from *arta, *art, *arte, all meaning "great, excellent, holy", thus Artemis "becomes identical with the great mother of Nature, even as she was worshipped at Ephesus". Anton Goebel "suggests the root στρατ or ῥατ, "to shake", and makes Artemis mean the thrower of the dart or the shooter". Ancient Greek writers, by way of folk etymology, and some modern scholars, have linked Artemis (Doric Artemis) to ἄρταμος, alamos, i.e. "butcher" or, as Plato did in Crytius, to ἀρτεμής, artemḗs, i.e. "safe", "unharmed", "uninjured", "pure", "the stainless maiden".  A. J. Van Windekens tried to explain both ἀρτεμής and Artemis from ἀτρεμής, atremḗs, meaning "unmoved, calm; stable, firm" via metathesis.

Lalalallalalala just pretend this is good quality information :)

"Remember to take bullet notes as you read", Professor Audrey yelled, halfway through the period.

Pulling out a fresh new notebook, I began writing: 

Chapter 12: Artemis

-goddess of the hunt

-nobody knows the origin of her name except Jablonski

-to shake = throwing darts

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked back to see Ron holding a pencil incredulously.

"What's this?"

"...that's a pencil." 

"Does it need ink?"

"Excuse me?"

"Ink. You know, like a quill-"

"A quill? That's more ancient Artemis, get with the times."

I swear, if this whole thing was a joke, then it wasn't funny for wasting a whole lot of my time when I could be taking more valuable notes. In fact, I was ready to ignore the next thing someone said to me and focused on my bullet points.

"Those who are done with their notes may silently read a book from the library. I suggest, '120 faults of Men' or '50 Shades of Silver," announced Professor Audrey.


"Alright, if you haven't finished your notes, it's homework, along with the essay! Class dismissed!"

I gathered my things and left.

"Did you like your first class?" I asked Ron, Hermione, and Harry curiously when we were a safe distance from the classroom.

"It was fine, I can't believe we didn't have pencils at Ho- mmf" He covered his mouth. I gave him a look of confusion.

"So your school was called homf?"



"Well, putting humps aside, I've got band next so unless you can magically make an instrument appear, I guess you can just watch."


Mr. Hermay was at the front of the classroom as the class filed in. We found some decent seats and sat down.

"Hello exchange students, this is band class. Instruments aren't really my thing though so I completely understand if you need to go potty. And feel free to approach me after class if you want any tips on how to get free lunch money or steal people's lesson plans! Just an example of course..."

"Anyway, I'm under strict orders to put on a fall show so make sure you guys practice our song, "We Fall", or suffer an F."

Before anyone could say a word, he continued. "You better have over the break though, because the concert's on November 17th. Colleges are gonna retract their offers if you fail band I'm sure."

"What's college?" Ron asked.

"Shut up," I muttered, quickly assembling my flute. "I'll tell you later."

I didn't have time to tune it before the song started, so I just dealt with some extra flat notes.


"Alright, everyone, continue to practice, class dismissed! Oh my...time sure does past fast, must talk to grandpa about it-"

And that was the end of the band. 

"Okay.. so, now we have math," I said, forgetting about the fact that I said I would explain what college was to Ron.

"The professor, Professor Minerva, is really strict and gives you detention if you don't answer her question in 15 seconds and... 55 milliseconds, I think, so use that time very wisely. Yeah, you better hope you're good at math, or you'll have detention for the rest of the year."

"Minerva? We have a professor called Minerva too!" Hermione smiled.

"Cool? Let's go." I shrugged, starting to walk.

"So...What's math?" asked Ron.

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