81| Sign-Up For Homecoming, They Said. It will be Fun, They Said

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I was frozen. I didn't think that Theodore Nott, a 'superior' pureblood, would kiss me. Or even like me, for that matter. But did he actually like me? Or was it just an act of being in the 'right place at the right time'? My head was swirling in thoughts as I couldn't comprehend the moment.

"Thank you," he whispered.

I stayed still, not saying a word. Seconds passed, and I stepped away, blushing.

"I-!" I didn't finish my sentence before diving away.

The moment had passed. I stayed in a small corner, kneeling there for minutes.

"DIANA! WHERE ARE YOU?" I sighed, and stood up, then winced at my leg, following Carina's voice.

She was waiting for me. "So what happened? Spill. The. Tea. And I know there's a lot, so you better start talking,"

I tried to protest, but she didn't want to hear any of it, so I blurted everything out, minus the part about magic. I wasn't going to tell her about that.

"...SO THEANA'S A THING NOW?" she shrieked.

"It was a kiss!" I shouted. "And be quiet, will you? People'll stare,"

"Says you, hypocrite," she shot back, and I groaned.


A few hours later, I returned to the school with only some bandages on my leg. It was sometimes difficult to walk, but I managed perfectly fine. For the next few weeks, life was great.

Kristen wasn't really talking to me, not that she ever did, Theo and I spoke a lot, Draco was still a prat, Blaise was... tolerable, everything was settled with my parents and I about the whole incident, and before I knew it, there was an announcement in my first class of the day, History.

The professor stood at the front of the classroom, as usual. "Good morning, everyone!' she started.

"As you know, we were supposed to get into Artemis today-" The class groaned in sync.

"Hush! Artemis is inspiring. But before we get into that, I have some announcements to make! As you might know, the exchange students came because of some damage in their old school, but I just received a- message that it's all rebuilt now! So of course, as a nice goodbye to everyone, we've decided to do homecoming early! More details can be found on our school website, or you can find a poster somewhere in the school! Now, we've already read about Artemis turning that one person into a jackalope..." I stopped listening after that.

The exchange students were leaving? Homecoming was coming early? To be honest, school would be boring without them. Yes, they'd caused me a whole heap of trouble throughout the past months, but I remembered all the memories I'd made with them...

Their confusion towards pencils, computers, everything, it all made sense now. I then recalled one of my first impressions with the three...

Nott glared at Malfoy too, if looks could kill, everyone around should have dropped dead. "Watch it, you disgusting, vile, foul, motherfucking blood traitors!"

Diana looked at him, "What's a blood traitor-" she began to ask.

"Shut. Your. Mouth. You filthy squib." he shot back.

I sniffed myself. It smelled like peach preserves and salty brownies. "I smell fine, like my grandma, Ester"

Nott wrinkled his nose. "I wasn't talking about your smell, you animal"
"Excuse me?"

"You have no right, muggle. How much money do you have?"


"What are you, a middle-class income family? Explains the smell. "

I stared at him. "That's none of your business"

"That's smart" Malfoy sneered. "I bet your parents have less than the Weasley's, and that's saying something."


Hermione had just stuffed a napkin in Ron's mouth.

Nott scoffed in their direction. "Listen to your girlfriend Weasley. Soooo, how much money do you have?"

Diana ignored him, "What's Azkaban?"

Draco sneered. "It's a place built for people like you. Unless you have enough money of course"

Ah, the good old days.


As soon as school ended, I rushed to my dormitory and pulled up the school website, and there it was.

Welcome to this year's homecoming!

It will be held inside the gymnasium. If you would like to sign up for homecoming queen or king, then the forms are on the link here:


Please keep in mind all that, more details will be explained in it!

(You can enter yourself lol you won't get chosen but you can put in the weirdest and most random names and excuses XD. Message me for the link)

I scrolled through the quiz. It totally didn't look sus. 

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