61| I Did Not Ask For The Middle Seat

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Hi, it's @roseguest and I'm helping my sis write some chapters so yep. Sorry if the characters are a little off I'll try my best! (I have the day off and she doesn't so I'm helping her out)

"I just can't believe he just throws his money around like that!" Leah fumed once they got back in the car. "REAL FUR?!? Are you kidding me?"

Diana sighed, "I know right. I hate him, HE'S JUST SO SNOOTY!"

"Yeah, he should be grateful for all his father's money!"

Yeah she wrote like 2 sentences so back to me again...

"Ugh. Do you need another drink though?" Leah asked me.

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay. Going back now?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Alright. Happy early Thanksgiving then!" Carina waved at us.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Thanksgiving was tomorrow!" Leah recalled.

"Same. Do we have to wear anything in particular?" I asked curiously.

"No, we're going to an amusement park after all." Carina told me.

"Oh. Well, see you there then?"

"Yeah. Bye!"


The next day was Thanksgiving. Surprisingly, it didn't snow, but it still covered the ground, making it look like a half-complete winter wonderland.

I found a rainbow sweater to wear, and it was pretty comfortable, so I put on my shoes, held my bag, and went out.


Outside was packed with students, and after a grueling 10 minutes or so, I found Carina and Leah, deep in the crowd

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Outside was packed with students, and after a grueling 10 minutes or so, I found Carina and Leah, deep in the crowd.

"Hey, Diana! I heard we're taking buses to get there," Carina informed me.

"Augh.. I hate buses," Leah moaned.

"Yeah, it's gonna take an hour to get there," I said, pointing to a professor who was currently announcing that.

Finally, what seemed like an infinite amount of buses came along, and after listening to a bunch of safety rules, we got on.

"And just to remind everyone-" a professor I didn't know started.

"-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-" I gritted my teeth and recited for the millionth time that day.

"Are we sitting together?" asked Leah. "Yes! Let's go find a spot.. I call the window seat!" Carina squealed.

"Fine. I call the aisle seat then," exclaimed Leah, which left me with the middle seat. "Seriously?"

"What?" Carina asked innocently.


"Oh wait. I forgot about the exchange students-" I groaned as the engine started.

"We're right here," droned Nott from behind me.

"AH! Oh my gosh, you scared me! And- what are you doing on that seat?" I asked, bewildered.

Before he could come up with a sassy remark, a professor put a finger to her lips and made a SHHH hissing motion.

"And did you have to choose the spot behind me?" I whispered.

"No, why would I? My spot's actually back there-" he pointed to the rear of the bus.

"Fine. What are you doing here then?"

"You called."

"Ugh, just go away!" I crossed my arms.


"I'm so bored!" Leah complained. "Can we play a game or something?" she asked.

"Sure," I shrugged.

Attention, everyone. We will be arriving soon. Attention, everyone. We will be arriving soon. I repeat, We will be arriving soon.

"Okay! So what game do you want to play?"

"I don't know actually, I'm a bit tired." Carina thought for a second.


"Wake me up later," she told us, and collapsed in her chair, the mickey mouse on her shirt looking as clear as ever.


"When are we gonna get there?" whined Leah after a few minutes, pouting

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"When are we gonna get there?" whined Leah after a few minutes, pouting.

"I don't know. By the way, you look like a bumblebee with that dress on," I pointed out.


"Seriously?" she looked at me

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"Seriously?" she looked at me.

"Hm-mm," I shrugged.

Her shoulder slumped. "Argh.." 

TYY to roseguest for drawing those outfits lol the ones you'll see in the future were most likely drawn by her too.. so anyway, nothing much to say. I GOT A BUNNY ON SUNDAY THOUGH SO YAYY! 

Otherwise, have a good day!


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