4| Hylla's Gonna be High by the End of the Year

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I ran through the grass, searching for my friends.

 "Hey!" waved Leah from afar.

"Is being an ambassador hard?" asked Carina immediately, right after I had sat down.

"Hm, well, it's fine, I guess. Professor Minerva is still annoying." I replied.

"I know, I got detention with her after school!" cried Leah. "The first detention of the year is always the worst one.." she moped glumly.

"I know, right? I got one too."

"Professor Minerva's been teaching for like, 20 years now! I've been wondering when she's gonna retire or something. We've had to deal with her since freshman year!", complained. Carina, ranting.

Leah and I both nodded in agreement.

"Well, we're not gonna spend the whole break time doing nothing," Leah said, changing the subject. "Should we do homework? The amount of homework Professor Minerva assigned is completely unreasonable. Who can get done a question with parts a i.) to z xxi.) done in one night?"

"Nah", Carina frowned, "I don't wanna waste the entire break on the first day! Let's look at that chart we wrote in our freshman year."


Our Guide To Professor Minerva's Class

By: Leah Smith, Diana Evans, and Carina Williams


DON'T FALL ASLEEP! That lady can see across classrooms, I swear. If you look unfocused, there will be a 101% chance she'll call on you to answer an impossible math problem!

NEVER TALK! You'll get detention, and trust us, it's not pleasant!

ALWAYS PREPARE FOR CLASS! If you don't review your textbook the day before, then there's a little to no chance that you'll get the answer correct! Study! No guarantees you get it right even if you do study though!

NEVER BE LATE! She'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day and give unnecessary detentions!

NO EXCUSES! Make sure you don't have an appointment or anything before class! They just get you in even more trouble with the unreasonable witch!

How To Get On Her Good Side:

There is none. But . . . here are the three "DONT'S"

Don't be impolite! The professor believes that people should be courteous and respect their elders!

Don't try raising your hand! She hates overeager students!

Don't try to bribe her with food! Money doesn't work, either! 

Shortcuts To Class If You're Running Late!


(or you know, just don't be late)

Good Luck!


Leah laughed. "I remember that, it's so cringy now that I read it."


A few minutes later, the bell rang and we all propped ourselves up from the grass.

"Yeah, we should get going." 

"See you guys later!" I said, standing up with the help of a wooden bench. I was getting older every calc class. 

Just as I reached my transfer students, yells erupted from another table.

"DRACO MALFOY, I SWEAR! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" A pretty girl, which I recognized to be Hylla Drakos, screamed.

I wrinkled my nose. Yikes. "I'll go help her," I told the trio and ran off before I could hear their reply.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at Hylla. "You're disrupting the entire courtyard!"

Hylla gaped at me like what I said was the most shocking thing ever.

"Oh so now it's my fault?! HE is the one not listening! I've got chemistry next-"

"Like the chemistry, you two have got", another one of Hylla's transfer students snarked.

I turned away from him to Hylla, "Oh, the professor's chill, it's fine."

Hylla did not look like she needed my advice about chemistry right now. "How am I supposed to explain? 'Oh, I'm an ambassador and I had a really stupid exchange student who won't let me take a break? And oh my fucking god don't even get me started on his friends. The Zabini guy always asks to check his reflection in the bathroom! He literally takes vanity to a whole new, unexplored level. AND NOTT?!? HE HAS GOT TO BE THE WORSE THING SINCE COW MANURE!" she huffed, releasing a string of curses that I did not want to hear at that moment.

I pursed my lips and turned back to the three guys who were a little too attractive for their personality. They all glared at me and before I could get a single word out, I was interrupted. 

"I'm not gonna listen to a filthy muggle!", Malfoy smirked.

"Muggle?" I was more confused than offended. "Excuse me? And I took a shower this morning, I doubt I'm filthy." But just to be sure, I discreetly sniffed my shirt. 

"He's been calling me that for the last hour, I think it's an inside joke or something," Hylla muttered. "Nott starts sniggering every time."

I sighed helplessly, "Good luck with that. At least you'll get some peace later when they do their homework."

Hylla shook her head sadly, "Nott's literally done everyone's homework, which I didn't even think was possible"

After wishing her luck once more, I walked back to Harry, Hermione, and Ron who were kindly waiting for me. "How do you even tolerate them at your school?"

"We don't," Hermione said simply.

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