62| Seriously, Carina?

588 13 2

"YES! WE'RE FINALLY  HERE!" Leah yelled, jumping up from her seat.

"Everyone, please stay in your seat. We'll tell you when we're ready."

"Oh." she sat down sadly.

"PSST! Carina! You're drooling!" I yelled, causing her to abruptly sit up, bumping her head on the way.


I burst out laughing.

"You're so mean." she pouted.

"Okay, everyone! We're ready! Please quietly stand up and get out."

"I've been waiting forever!" Leah breathed, the first to run out of the bus.

"It's so cold," she whined a second later.

"Maybe you should have worn more warm clothes," I shrugged.


"Listen up, please! Please stay in groups of six, exchange students and ambassadors in the same groups, along with two others of your choice! Others, find five people! STAY TOGETHER, and find a teacher if something goes wrong! You may ask workers for instructions, and can buy food, but you must pay yourself. Be polite, wait in line patiently, be careful, and that's all! You may go! I'll be right here," announced the principal.

"Want to be in the same group?" I asked Leah and Carina.

"Oh, sorry, I have to go with my exchange students.." muttered Leah, pointing to three students that I didn't know the name of.

"Aw, that's too bad. Carina, who you going with?" I asked.


"Please me," begged Leah.

"Well, sorry Diana, but you're exchange students are really annoying, so.." she made her way towards Leah.

"Fine. See you guys later then, I guess."

"You too!" Leah turned her direction to some others.

"Hey, Mary! Want to be in the same group?"

"Sure!" came a call in the distance.

I looked at Nott, Malfoy, and Zabini.

"I guess you're with me then," I sighed.

"We didn't ask too," snarled Nott.

"I didn't ask that. That's four, so two more."

"All these people here are stupid muggles. How am I supposed to choose?" Malfoy complained.

Nott had already answered that question, however, as he had brought Kristen, along with one of her friends, Katie.

"I thought I was supposed to choose..?" I gaped.

"Too bad. You're slow, I told you."

"How is that-?"

"Come on," giggled Kristen, seemingly liking it that Nott had given her his hoodie.

I stomped forward grumpily. 

I AM SO SORRY I UPDATED SO LATE! I completely forgot about it, AUGHHHH..

Nothing else to say, TYY to @whore4whitemen for voting, and TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for 3K VIEWS!!!!!!

And if you're wondering what Theo's hoodie looks like-

Here it is:

Ty again to @roseguest for drawing it, and happy St

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Ty again to @roseguest for drawing it, and happy St. Patrick's Day!

Plus, HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S MONTH! Ugh I forgot to mention it! Now I hate myself 😔


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