69| The Weird Shaky Dance

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I laughed nervously and attempted to run out.

"We will be departing soon. Please stay in your seats."

And.. maybe not.

"I said, what are you doing here? This seat was reserved."

"For who? Kristen?" I scowled, and suddenly had the urge to sit in the seat forever.


"Then who was it for?"


I hmphed crossly and turned away. We didn't talk for the remaining time of the way back.


Finally, after an eternity of silence and boringness, I quickly sat up and bounded out of the bus, eager to get out of it as fast as possible.

Unfortunately, I went a little.. Too fast. I missed the big 'WATCH YOUR STEP' sign. And guess what happened?

I fell.

In the process, making a cool sliding performance, so at least something good came out of it. I spoke too soon. I practically felt at least 10 people watching as I teetered across the steps. And there were only a few, which made it even more embarrassing than it already was.

And considering that it was high school, everyone would know it by a few hours, rumors would spread, and then it would turn into a messed-up telephone game.

Everyone would start to laugh about how I "flew into a fountain" or something bizarre like that, and who would get a say in it?

Not me.

I didn't even want to think about it as I gained my balance and carefully walked back to the school. When I entered, I ran straight to my dorm room, luckily not tripping on anymore steps while doing so.

Sitting up again once I heard a ding! sound from my phone.

"What is it this time?" I murmured to myself.


Everyone get home safe?

Princess Leah:

You were sitting with me on the bus 😑


I meant Diana!


Yeah I got home safe


Good! Now did you hear the news about how

someone tripped and fell off a roller coaster?

Princess Leah:

Hey, I thought it was someone who tripped off

A stone wall or something?

Carinatheannoying is typing...


Where did you get that info from?


Wdym? EVERYONE'S talking about it!

Princess Leah:

Yeah! Don't tell me you haven't heard

about it?


Oh yeah, yup, heard of it


C ya!

Princess Leah:


I sighed after I got off my phone, not feeling the best. I decided to try to fall asleep, even if it was still really early. I must've been really desperate, since I actually slept soundly.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

The first things I heard were the sounds of an alarm clock. Mine, to be exact. I could only expect that the entire school was buzzing about how I fell like a swarm of bees.

Yawning, I looked at the time to see that it was 7 AM. I had managed to sleep for over 12 hours. Impressive.

(Unlike me, I could never)

I checked the date as well, and it was almost December, which meant almost winter break and Christmas, but that also meant skiing with Nott and Kristen. On the bright side, Carina said she was going to come. Maybe. Meanwhile Leah would get to have the time of her life in another country.

I had to admit, however, that the trip wasn't fully doomed yet. I could still have fun! Okay, I was getting too optimistic. Everything could go wrong.

Now, all I wanted to do was stay in my bed all day, lost in my thoughts. Yet I forced myself out of bed, almost flopping onto the floor as I struggled to get up, ending up with me getting endlessly tangled in my bedsheets.

"Must.. get.. Out!" I struggled to say, and strained my energy in an attempt to escape. After a very long time, I finally untangled myself when I did a weird hippy dance all over the bed, shaking the sheets off of me. I could only hope no one was watching.

But due to my terrible luck..

Just kidding I don't have THAT bad luck. Maybe I did. I would never find out, though, since I had to rush to class.

I feel so bad for not updating earlier.. ughhh

But on the bright side, TYYY to @-the-marauders- for commenting and adding my story to their reading list!


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