chapter three - into the unknown

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remus pov:
i think back to what mom said. '..roman.....wasn't that the name of my brother that patton didn't want me to meet?' i look at the prince 'hes  probably not' i think and get back to walking.
i walk to what i think is the living room and see two people talking one looks very worried, hes wearing a grey cardigan and a blue polo the other does too but less, hes wearing a blue tie and a black polo. i wanted to walk up to them but get stoped by a voice. "what are you doing here, and what did you do to roman"  i know that voice, i see the two other people first look at me and then the person behind me. "what happened to him?!"  the one with the blue polo shouted, a bit angry and worried. "i found him in the forrest, he was laying there unconscious. so i tried to find where he could have came from and now im here." just praying that janus won't show up because of the lie. the one in the black polo speaks next "can you put him on the couch so i can see what's wrong with him?" i do what i was asked and lay him on the couch, the person that was behind me speaks again. "and why should we believe you." next to speak is the one in the blue polo "thanks for bringing him here, now can you please go back to where you came from" the two look a bit weirdly at the guy in the blue polo.

virgil pov:
i get a bit confused as patton says that he would normally want people to stay longer.
"please just go" i say not thinking any longer about it. he walks away and i run over to roman "is he ok?" i ask a bit panicked "hes fine just unconscious, it looks like he hit his head against something"  logan tells me, i look over at patton he looks angry? i decide to not pay attention to it . looking back over at roman i take his hand and just hold it, not wanting to let go afraid that he might not wake up. "he did this!" patton suddenly yells "calm down patton, he could have just hit his head. it's not smart to jump to conclusions" logan tells him, i tune the rest out as they continue talking.


I'm sorry the chapther is short and that i took so long to update, i didn't know what ships to do and had writers block. but i now got a ship and writhers block is gone so i will be continuing this

also if you see i typed anyting wrong please tell me


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