Chapter thirteen - if you don't believe me ill just get rid of you :)

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Tw. Mention of killing, caps

Remus Pov:

I'm just sitting where logan dragged me and left me, I see a yellow blob in front of me and a hand on my face, wiping away tears 'when did I start crying?!' "I 'don't' believe you rem, did pat 'not' frame you?" I just nod " I can't even talk to him...." I hug janus and try not to cry "you could 'not' kill him" I smile, knowing he didn't mean it but it does sound like a good idea.

Roman pov:

Roman watched his brother get dragged out of the room "why would he hurt you, it makes no sense.....He would only hurt people who hurt him or his friends..." patton looks at me confused and a bit worried "he lied..he did this before...hes dangerous.." I began thinking what if remus was right and patton is indeed lying "hes not dangerous, he might think and say a few things that could be bad or just gross but hes not dangerous." Patton looks a bit shocked at what I just said to him "he hurt me, And you say hes not dangerous! Ro did he do or say something that made you think like this?" jep remus was probably right "he didn't hurt you, I don't know how you did it but he didn't. you're a liar!" he looks so angry and just done with all this "the only liars in this mindscape are the darksides they are evil and are not supposed to be on the light side!" I think for a bit and get an idea "im just gonna go to them if you won't let them come here" I get shoved back by patton falling on the ground "NO, YOU ARE STAYING HERE IN YOUR ROOM, TIL YOU LEARN THEY ARE EVIL AND NOT ME" with that he closed the door, I heard a click and a thud "DID HE JUST LOCK MY DOOR AND GET MY DOOR TO THE ATTIC?! WHAT THE F-" 


short chapther ayyy

- cooki

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