Chapter twenty - the gangs all here ;-;

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pov remus:

we rise up at the light side, confused i look around and question why we are here. just as im about to tell roman that we rose up at the wrong place i heard a voice. "...hes telling the truth...patton hit remus..." i turn around and see the others, apparently roman had heard what virgil said "he did what?-" he yells "oh hello roman, remus. how did you two get here?" while i question how he didn't see us rise up roman tells him how. "back to the matter at hand, how do we get patton to stop separating them?" janus cuts everyone off. 'didn't think bout that-' everyone kind of shugs not knowing how until a voice they all knew well was heard.
"so the gang's all here to stop me? how cute"


i know i have to update this but ive been working on cosplays and school plus being sick-

-Cooki 🍪

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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