Chapter seventeen - truth?

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janus pov:

i am bringing virgil back to the light side after i saw that the fight between remus and patton was gonna get violent and i didn't want virgil to get upset by this. we are currently walking trough the corridor that seperates the dark and the light side. im mostly paying attention to virgil and if he's doing ok so i didn't notice someone walking our way and bumping into me. "my apologies...deceit? aren't you suposed to be on the other side?" i hear a kinda emotionles voice say, i turn to him. might as well tell the truth "i was bringing virgil back after patton decided to be a bit violent to remus" i look at his face and there confusion all over it then i see it relax again. "so you left because patton was being kind to remus?" i just sigh, of course he would think im lying. before i can think or say anything else i hear a quiet voice. "..hes telling the truth...patton hit remus...."

sorry for the short chapter ive been busy with school.

- cooki 🍪

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