chapther four - sleeeeeeeep

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tw. gore, swearing?

roman pov:
i wake up to yelling and someone holding my hand, i realise the massive headache and groan in pain. i open mt eyes to see virgil holding my hand and looking worried. "you're awake!" he shouts a bit too loud. i nod and hold my head.
he gets up and walks away coming back with a glass of water and some pain killers and hands them to me. i mumble a quiet "thank you" and take them.

remus pov:
i was walking down the hall when i heard the guy with the blue polo yell "he did this!"  i mumble to myself "well maybe he shouldn't have tried to hurt my mom"  i walk angrily down the hallway back to the darkside of the mindscape. i walk in and see janus sitting on the couch reading a book, i jump over the back of the couch and sit next to him. he jumps and yells "goddamnit remus, 'don't' stop scaring me!"  i pout and he just rolls his eyes "how was your day?" he asks "i don't know good i guess, i knocked someone out!" he looks at me confused "who did you knock out?", "a person that wanted to attack mom" he smiles "good job re, what did they look like?"  i think for a bit "he looked like a prince? oh, and his name was roma-" , "where is he now? did you bring him to the lights? did patton hurt you? what happened?" he asks a bit panicked "hes at the light now, i don't know who patton is but nobody hurt me" he sighs and hugs me, i hug back after a bit of confusion. we stand there for a bit "uhhmm jan, can you let go of me?" he lets go "sorry, i 'wasn't' just worried..." "you look tired" hes quiet for a bit "well i 'am' " "go sleeep" "no" he pouts "go sleep or ill stick my hand in a blender-" he looks scared "ok, ok i'll sleep!"  he walks away and i walk to my room, i close the door and head to bed

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