chapter two - dat bish

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remus pov:

i saw him running at her with the sword so i did what i do best....use violence, and knocked him out with my mace, he falls to the ground knocked out. "remus long time no see" i hear her call out. i run towards her and give her a hug "mom!" i see her smile "still using that nickname, as i said a few years ago i'm not you're mother"  i smile "but you're like a mom"  "i'm not but ok" i look back at the prince "who was dat bish and why were they trying to attack you?" shes quiet for a moment " 'dat bish' is roman and he was trying to attack me because in his eyes i am this gaint monster that wants destruction"  remus gets a bit angry "he hasn't eve properly met you and he wants to kill you?!" the dragonwitch sighs "some people just don't give other people the chance to get to know them" "thats just stupid" "i know but some people are like that, anyways how are things back at the mindscape?" remus sighs and falls to the grounds on his face still sighing "bad?" she ask "it has been so borrrringggg, theres nothing to do other then annoy janus but everytime i try to annoy him he just shuts me up" she laughs a bit, i ignore her "so...what are we gonna do with the prince dude?"  the dragonwitch thinks " should probably bring him back to the light side"  i get confused "aren't you coming with me?"  "no...his friends don't like me and they would probably freak out when they see me with you bringing him back unconscious"  i walk over to the prince and lift him up and carry him to the light side place shouting a quick "byeee" at the dragonwitch

[time skipp]

i arrive at the place where the light side normally is and see a door that is open 'probably forgot to close the door' i think as i walk into the unknown

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