Chapter twelve - lies, or not?

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Tw. Censored cursing

Roman pov:

I get up and open the door a small bit seeing a sad looking patton and an angry logan "what's wrong?" I ask, logan doesn't answer and just pushes the door more open and walks inside looking around, trying to search something I think? "pat are you alright" he nods "what happened?" patton shows his arm that he was holding on it where a few bruises "..remus did that....he was looking for you, and I just asked him to leave you alone because you've been in your room for a bit so I thought you were working on something big....and I didn't want you to get hurt...then he did this..." I hug him 'he said patton was a liar..but why would he do this....what if he lied...what if patton is still lying....what if pat did the bruises himself-' my thoughts get interrupted by a thud apparently remus fell from his hiding spot, I turn around and see logan pulling remus up by the arm and dragging him probably back to the dark sides and gonna have a talk with deceit. "kiddo.." I hear a quiet voice "why was he hiding in your room?.." I look at him "umm he wanted to talk about an idea he had" he looks at me like hes trying to find something out " don't have to lie...he hurted you too didn't he..." before I can respond patton just hugs me.

Logan pov:

I finally arrive at the other side of the mindscape, I keep holding remus so he can't run away "deceit!" he walks over a bit confused and looks at me and then at remus, not looking that confused anymore "what did he do?" I feel remus trying to get me to let go but I just hold him tighter "he hurt patto-" I get cut off by remus but don't really care "I didn't do sh-t! patton is a liar!" I sigh and let go of him " please make sure this won't happen again" deceit nods and I walk away again

update on this because i completly forgot to type a word-

- Cooki 🍪

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