Chapter fifteen - it's split...just frame the halves and call them brothers

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Tw. Very detailed death decrypting, uncensored cursing, caps

Remus pov:

There was silence after he said that "his door can't just be gone! Someone probably took it, bet it was patton! I swear I will cut his head off, put his organs in a blender and make pasta with it!" I see virgil stare at me with shock and disgust "we are not doing that, patton would never do that he couldn't even hurt a fly" janus scoffs "do you not believe me?" I sit down on the floor because janus is probably gonna start explaining all the shit he did, virgil looks at we weird because I sat down. I pat the spot next to me for him to sit he does "he would hurt a fly actually, even more then a fly." Janus glances over to me, I look down already knowing with what hes going to start "how do you think creativity split-" "split?!" we both look confused at him "yes, there was first one creativity. Did you not know?" virgil shakes his head, janus sits down in a chair that was behind him "well then, let me tell a few stories"

{flashback time (from janus pov)}

I was in the imagination watching the sky with king creativity, we were laying in the grass sometimes saying something to each other it was beginning to be the best day I had in the mindscape '...I was so wrong about that...' I looked at the clouds and gasped a bit "look! that one looks like a snake!" king laughed "you really like snakes" I nodded " i love them!" I see king sit up and become curious what he's doing and sit up too, he summons a snake and hands him to me, I take the snake from king and look at them a bit more they have yellow and black scales (it's a yellow rat snake :D ) "can I keep him?" king nods "oh wait-" king summons another thing and puts it on the snakes head "you also said once you like hats" the snake I was holding was now wearing a small top hat "awww, he's adorable. Thanks king" I give him a hug he hugs me back for a bit "I have to go jj" I mumble a no to him "janus this is importannnttt" I let go of him and he stands up I do too " can't I come with you?" he shakes his head, he smiles a bit and bows "farewell kind snake, till we see each other tomorrow" I laugh at him and bow too "till tomorrow, handsome king" we both laugh and wave as king starts to walk away. I sit back down again and pet the snake I got.

I sat there for a while, I got up when I realized it was getting a bit late. I walk into the shared mind palice, when I enter I heard yelling between king and...patton.... I run to the living room where the yelling is coming from, I see them both yelling mostly patton, king looks at me giving a sad smile "I'VE HAD ENOUGH WHY CAN'T YOUR IDEAS BE NORMAL!? THEY ARE ALL BAD, YOUR BAD....but you're also not..." patton smiles and suddenly there's a bright flash of light blue, after the blue goes away there are two children one in green and one in white, I panic and run over to them both "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I hug/hold them both

{end of flashback}

"pattondemanded after that I should keep remus away from roman, but I couldn't do thatto I let them see each other in secret...patton found out, I tried totell him it's wrong to keep them apart but he didn't listen and sent me withremus to the 'darksides', at least he wasn't alone now.." after explaining I lookedback to the others and noticed a figure behind them

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