chapter six - meeting him

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roman pov:
im just laying in my room, it's been a week since my adventure in the imagination. nobody really told me what happened and im still confused about it. i get up and walk out of my room and downstairs to wanting to ask someone what happened, i walk into the kitchen and see patton cooking "greetings padre!", "hi kiddo!" he seems a bit stressed but i don't question it. "can you maybe explain what happened the day i went to the imagination?", "i don't really know what happened, deceit found you when he was walking through the imagination"  i nod "im gonna go back to the imagination", "ok, stay safe!" i smile and head to the imagination. i walk through the door, i walk through the field and to the forest to the dragon witch's cave, once i arrive i walk in and see the dragon witch and someone else. i hide behind a few rocks and listen to their conversation.

remus pov:
"i don't get it mom, he looked so sad and scared, he drank himself to sleep...he hasn't done that in a long time...." she is just hugging me "i know"
i see her look around for a bit, i was about to ask whats wrong but she says something "roman, it's not nice to eavesdrop" now im just more confused until the prince guy i knocked out last week comes out behind a rock
"are you here to hurt my mom again?" he looks at me confused "i didn't know the dragon witch had a child?" i hear mom sigh "hes not my child, it's just a nickname", "are you another side?" i smile "yes, i am creativity!" he just looks more confused "i am creativity" now im confused too, i hear my mom sigh "you both are creativity, remus remeber the stories j told you?"
i finnally realise and just run around happy, i see roman is still confused "you two are brothers" i hear mom say

roman pov:
“Brothers?” I said in a confused tone, if this person is truly my brother then why hasn’t Patton said anything? After all Patton never lies.
The dragon witch’s expression changed, it changed to a more Curious look, “you didn’t know? Patton said he’d tell you-”
“You’re lying!” I snapped, “you’re lying! Patton would never lie!”
My hands acted on their own and drew out my sword.
“You’re a lying witch! I can’t be related to that.....that disgusting thing!”
Upon hearing my words the dragon witch widened her eyes in shock and anger.
“That ‘disgusting’ thing is you’re brother”
The boy that was my supposed brother didn’t say anything, all he did was stare, he stared at the ground, he never looked up from where he was looking, he acted as if the dragon witch had said nothing,  which annoyed me even more, how could he act like nothing happened when his ‘mom’ was spitting out lies.
“Then go ask your beloved Patton. Ask him yourself and then we’ll see who lied.”
She quickly turned around and took the boy’s hand, and with a poof she disappeared.

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