chapter five - fighting and forgetting

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tw. cursing, fighting, shouting, hitting, threatening, drinking

janus pov:
i wake up, get dressed and walk out. i begin on making breakfast "deceit?" i just finished breakfast and put it on a plate and turn around "what are you doing here patton?" he looks at me angry "you know why im here", "i 'do' " i'm begging to get annoyed at him "well remus brought roman to us, unconscious. he hurt him and you let them see eachother i thought we talked about this!?!"  i nod "well then tell roman to not go near the dragonwitch's forest, if he wasn't there they wouldn't have seen eachoth-!!"  i am cut off by something stinging on my cheek, 'he slapped me?' "don't fucking yell at me!!" i get scared but i try not to show it "dee?"  i look behind me and see remus, he was still in his onesie "rem, i 'didn't' make breakfast for you can eat it in your room please i 'don't' have to talk to patton..." he nods and takes his plate and stares at us for a bit "is this about the person that i brought to the light side?" patton answers "yes it is, your not supposed to talk to any of the lights and deffinetly not hurt us" he says in a angry tone "ok, sorry" thats the last thing he said before walking to his room, once hes to out of sight patton begins to yell again "if i see him with any of us, i'll make sure he can't see anyone anymore, do you understand?!?!" i nod and he leaves again, i sit down and try to calm down and begin on my breakfast. i think back to the last time i spoke with patton.

{flashback timeeee}

"we can't separate them they're brothers!" i shout "toghether they are bad for thomas, if they find a way to fuse again we'll just be back to the beginning!"  i sigh "but it is 'good', i thought you knew the things that are right and wrong mora- patton", "i do know what's right and wrong, and this is wrong! you are wrong!!" i stay silent when he says i'm wrong "i think it's better if you leave to the other place, the darkside", "w-what why" he smiles "because your wrong and hes wrong, don't worry you won't be alone there"

{end of flashback}

i sit there not hungry anymore, i throw my food i  the garbage grab a few bottles of wine and walk to my room drinking and crying hoping to forget about that day

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