Chapther fourteen - he left..

18 2 0

Tw. Talk about killing, caps, swearing

Patton pov:

As I start walking away from the now blank wall where romans door used to be I bump into logan, he looks at the wall behind me and then to me confusion on his face "...he didn't want to stay anymore.....he went to them......" I hug logan and act if im crying, he slowy hugs me back we stand there for a while until I hear another door open. "..w-where's romans door?..." I hear a quiet voice, before I try to speak logan does "he went to live with the others" there's a moment of silence and then we hear a door slam closed.

Virgil pov:

After I slaed the door I slided down to the ground all I could think about is 'was it my fault he left?' after a bit I wiped at my eyes 'when did I start crying?' I wipe all my tears away and stand up, sinking down to a place I thought I would never have to go again. I rise up in the darkside of the mindpalice, I see both of the darks sitting on the couch talking about....murder....not gonna question that- I see that I rose up next to a bookshelf, I smile getting a idea

Remus pov:

I was just talking to janus about ways to kill morality when I felt a book hit my head "what the fuck? Since when do books fly-" me and janus look over to where the book came from seeing virgil "VIRGIN!" I get up and tackle him in a hug "remus please 'don't' calm down" I get of of him and pout "what are you doing here virgil?" he looks sad for some reason "...where is roman?..." confused I say " he was in his room a few minutes ago, why woud he be here? Did morality say he was?" he looks a bit shocked "...logan told me, patton was crying....."I hear an annoyed sigh next to me "that bitch probably told logan, are you sure he wasn't in his room?" there's silence for a bit "...he couldn't have been in his room....his door was gone..."

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