chapter seven - answers

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roman pov:
after they dissapeared i just stood there for a while staring where they stood before dissapearing "...he can't be my brother...why do there even need to be two creativity' i not good enough as that why?..."
i sink down to the lightside of the mindscape, i emidiatly i hear a worried voice "kiddo are you alright? what happened?" i didn't realise at first but i was crying "....a-am i not good e-enough as creativity?..." patton hugs me "you ar-"
"...then why is there another creativity?.." pat stops hugging me "you met him..." i look confused "you know him?! why didn't you tell me?" could it be that the dragon with was right- no he wouldn't lie "he's dangerous ro, that's why he is on the darkside of the mindscape" there's a darkside of the mindscape?! "ok....why didn't you tell me any of this?"
"because i know you would go there to defeat the evil of the mindscape, but they're to dangerous. please don't go to them...." i nod "..i'm gonna go to my room.."
"ok" i walk away and up the stairs as im walking i pass virgils door, would he know anything about the darkside?


sorry that this is so short, i'll try to make next chapter longer

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