chapter eight - the truth?

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tw. caps (near the end), fighting kinda

virgil pov:
i was just sitting in my room listening to music when i heard a knock on my door, i walk over and open the door slightly and look out who's there " are you doing here so late?..." he looks suprised "oh i didn't realise the time, umm can i come in i wanna ask you something?" i open the door more "...sure?" he walks in "thanks" i sit on my bed again and pat the spot next to me, he sits down ", what did you want to ask?" i see that hes a bit nervous it vould be my room but i'm not sure "..umm...what do you know of the dark sides...and remus?.." how does he know about us- them "..ummm.." what do i do- what do i say- i suddenly feel him hug me "are you alright?"

roman pov:
he looks very panicked so i try to calm him down by hugging him, it seems to help a bit so i just stay there for a bit hugging him waiting for an answer to the question i asked him. After a bit i hear him answer but its very quiet "..yea...i'm ok.." i stay were i am holding him "you sure, it didn't look like you were?" he nods "...just the question...why do you want to know more about them?.....", "oh umm i heard there was another creativity and i wanted to know why...." I see him nod "remus is not really creativity he's more intruisive thoughts, but hes also creativi-" i interupt him "but why?!....sorry.." i hold him a bit tighter afraid he would run away because of the yelling ".....because hes your brother two were once one person...but then something happened and you two split...." This can't be real "no no no, he isn't my brother. Even if i had a brother he wouldn't be evil! Dark sides are evil and always wil be!" he pushes me off and looks angry at me "..get out.." now im just confused "virgil?", "..GET OUT!..." i get up confused but i don't walk out "why, whats wrong?" he looks very angry but i can also see a bit of sadness " said we were evil and always wil be..." i get more confused now "yes i did?" he seems to get more sad at that " was one of please get out.." i nod the only i could say was a quiet"..sorry.." then i left


sorry this is so short just wanted to upload at least something


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