chapter one - the prince?

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remus pov:
i wake up on the couch in the darkside of the mindscape,i look down at realise i'm still wearing my normal outfit and not my onesie, i didn't care to change clothes "another boring day" i say to myself, i jumped a bit not expecting to hear an other voice say"it is 'definitely' boring" "mabye try to 'not' read a book" i sigh realising who the voice belongs to, and walk to the kitchen "what's for breakfast?" "pancakes" i nod and he hands me a plate i quickly eat everything and just throw my plate againts a wall, janus sighs "please do 'not' clean that up" i ignore him and first but then i answer with an ok and quickly run out of the room shouting a bit "i'm going to the imagination" " 'don't' be safe"i hear janus call after me. i finaly get to the door of the imagination, i open it and close it behind me the door then disappears. i walk over to the forest and just listen to the birds, after a while of listening to the birds, i get bored and start walking in a random direction, after a while of waliking i see a huge mountain and decide to go visit an old friend. I'm just walking when i suddenly see something red in the corner of my eye.... i emidiatly hid in some bushes. when they walked by i could see them a bit better they looked like a prince? i decided to follow them, after a while i realised he was walking to the mountain 'mabye they are a friend of her and are just gonna visit her too' i thought

roman pov:
i was walking the path that i normally walk to finally slaythe dragonwitch.. but for some reason i feel like i'm being watched, but just ignores the feeling and keeps walking.

[time skip]

after a while of walking he finally gets to the entrance of a cave that is in the mountain, he walks in still having the feeling of being watched. he eventually gets to where the dragonwitch is standing and takes out his sword "if here to end you foul beast!" i shout at her, she slowy turns around "hello to you too roman" i run towards her but before i can even hit her i get knocked out........

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