Chapter nine - talking with a rat and a snake

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Tw. Swearing, mention of killing, caps

Patton pov:

Who the hell told him?! Wait, before he knew hesaid he went to the imagination....but I told deceit he isn't allowed to gothere, he probably lied when he promised it "THAT STUPID FUCKING SNAKE!" I'mcurrently on my way to the darkside of the mindpalice to have a 'friendly' talkwith a rat and a snake. Once I arrive there I can see deceit waiting there,probably knew I was coming over "hello morality 'good' to see you", "you knowwhy I'm here, where is he?" he looks confused and angry at me "this 'is' abouthim, he has 'everything' to do with this!" I laugh at him "of course he has somethingto do with this, the imagination is his and roman's and I'm here to change thatand if you won't tell me where he is I'll find him myself" he keeps quiet so Iwalk past him going to look for his room, I find it while deceit is still atthe entrance. I knock on his door "j I told you knocking is stupi- oh hello!"remus says while opening the door "hi remus, right?", "jep, what do you want?"he's just smiling evilly for some reason "can you maybe tell me where the doorto the imagination is on your side?" the smile slowly fades to a confused look"why do you want to know where it is?", "oh umm...I saw a door earlier in theimagination and wanted to make sure to where it lead....i just got worriedsomething else can enter it without anyone knowing..." there's that evil smileagain "wouldn't that be fun, what if they try to kill one of us!" I become veryworried at that but then remember he's DARK creativity "but you don't want toworry bout princey so I'll just tell you where it is-" he begins walking out soI follow him we eventually get to the door, I thank him and open it and lookaround outside. I let out a fake sigh of relief and tell him this was the doorthat I saw before "ok good, imam go back to my room then baii" I tell himgoodbye once hes out of sight i turn back to the door and start removing it,once I removed it I make it sink down somewhere in the mindscape attic. I startwalking back to deceit he's still standing where he was before he looks like he'sthinking about something "deceit?" no answer so I slap him against his head, helooks very annoyed at the person who slapped him but realizes who it is andbacks up a bit apologizing "I'm only going to say this one more time, they can'ttalk to eachother or see eachother, ok? And something bad will happen if theydo" deceit nods looking scared, patton smiles his normal smile again and walksaway

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