Chapter sixteen - lies or truth

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Tw. Threatening, fighting

Remus pov:

There was a voice from behind me "are you telling lies again?" I look over to see patton standing there "you 'are' welcome here morality" I tug on Virgil's sleeve to get him a bit more away from patton "kiddo why are you here I thought you were in your room, they are bad you're not. You don't have to stay here" I see virgil shuffle a bit probably uncomfterble "I wanted to get roman back..." patton smiles and starts walking over to him, I move infront of virgil so patton can't get to him "you're not touching him, unless you want a hole in your head" I summon my morning star ready to hit him if he makes a wrong move "im sure he doesn't want to stay with you guys" he tries to get past me but I shove him backwards, I look back for at virge and jj and see them quietly talking. I look back at pat and get hit with a fist in the face, I stumble back a bit but manage to stay on my feet. I glance back at virgil and janus and notice them not being there anymore probably to keep virgey safe. I look back at patton and swing the mace at him " where is my brother!" he dodges and just smiles at me "he's safe" I keep swinging the mace at him but he keeps dodging "tell me where he is!" I begin to get tired but don't stop trying to hit him "why would you want to know. You're just gonna hurt him and give him bad ideas, you've always hurt him that's why he never wanted to see you! He asked me to help him keep you away, he hates you!" I stop swinging and the words he said repeat again and again in my head "..he hates me? wouldn't....but what if he did....."


really short chapter because school and not sleeping, also if i ever missed any triggers or typed something wrong tell me and ill try to fix it

- cooki

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