It's Your Party (You Can Cry If You Want To) - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix

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It had been a long hunt and you were ready to drown your aches away in a warm bath while trying to not drown yourself when you would inevitably fall asleep.

Your bruises had bruises and your face was already turning purple from a monster punch to the right side, which had also knocked you off your feet and made you crack your leg against a cinderblock that some asshole had just left lying on the warehouse floor.

"Happy fucking birthday to me," you grumbled to yourself, twisting the key in the stiff lock and swinging the door open.

Barely a foot had passed the threshold when colourful streamers and wonky music caught your attention.

You froze in the doorway, taking in the badly hung 'Happy Birthday' banners, the table laid out with an ugly yellow tablecloth decorated with pink cakes and white party hats and then finally the angel stood behind a cake and a wrapped present which were sat on that ugly tablecloth.

"Um...hello," he said, sounding as if his brain had faltered completely.

"Cas?" You asked quietly, stepping inside and giving the door a little push to fall closed, "what is this?"

He looked around then met your eyes again.

"I wasn't sure how you celebrated birthdays, so I asked Dean and he said with surprises, presents and cake."

"You remembered my birthday?"

A wide smile broke your foul mood, your cheeks already aching.

"Of course," he nodded, moving around the table to stand in front of you before pulling you into a hug, "happy birthday."


You didn't expect a damn thing from your boss.

In all the years you'd been working as his pseudo-secretary, he'd never bothered with anyone's birthday, not even his own.

So why would this year be any different?

You sat in your uncomfortable chair, going over a series of deals he needed settled by the end of the mortal week, feeling ignored and disheartened.

You'd have figured that after years of working with him that you'd stop expecting anything when your human birthday came around, you couldn't fully understand why you still held onto the date so dearly.

It had been years since you'd become a demon, more lifetimes than a human soul could live without being twisted and yet you still held some strange hope over the meaningless day.

"You couldn't look any happier if you tried."

You looked up to see Crowley approaching, looking strangely chipper.

"I guess I'm just in a foul mood," you shrugged, not feeling stupid enough to indulge in the truth.

"Because no one has thrown you a party?"

Your eyebrow quirked as he pulled up a chair, sitting at the edge of your tiny desk.

"Thought I forgot about the day you blathered on about every year?" He asked rhetorically, setting down two glasses and a bottle you hadn't even noticed he was carrying.

"What are yo-"

"We're celebrating," he answered simply, pouring out two drinks, "so stop asking questions and drink with me before I change my mind."

He looked away to sip his own drink, giving you a chance to grin as you plucked your own up without him making a snide comment, which was a present all in itself.

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