You Had Your First Kiss

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It had been a totally spontaneous moment.

Spirits were low, the end of the world loomed once again and you were at a point of desperation.

You truly believed that you were going to die this time and opted to throw all caution to the wind, you were going to have the night of your life if you were going to die tomorrow.

So with copious amounts of alcohol, music and food, you did just that.

You were only partially through your 'I might die' party when Castiel paid his visit, thankfully you were only a little bit buzzed by that point, so you could converse with him without slurring your words.

"You truly think you're going to die?"

"I do," you nodded, resting your hand behind your head as you leaned back on the motel room couch.

With your belief of no tomorrow, you had splurged and got yourself the fanciest room you had used in a while, which happened to come with one of the nicest couches you had used in a while, the cleanest looking one too.

"And you are going to spend your night alone in this room?" He asked, giving the room a quick look, as if judging it for the first time.

"I have nothing else to do," you shrugged.

"No last experiences you want to have?"

You stared across the room in contemplation, gnawing on your bottom lip a little as you thought.

"I suppose there is one thing," you hummed, looking at him.

"What would that be?"

After taking a moment to brace yourself, you stood up, sauntered over to him and slowly leaned in to press your lips to his.

It was only quick and chaste, but your heart still flipped when he didn't immediately pull away, allowing you to linger ever so slightly.

In fact, he seemed as if he pushed into it a little, which made you feel all the more confident into going a little further and making the second kiss much brasher.

If you were going to die tomorrow, at least you would die knowing how it felt to kiss an angel.


"What are you calling me for?"

You jolted at the distinctly accented voice that came from behind you and turned on your heel.

The junction was in near complete darkness, only one streetlamp illuminated the being behind you, his expression one of mild amusement with a cocky smirk.

"I want to make a deal."

"Yes," he rolled his eyes, "I guessed that much, otherwise neither of us would be here."

You could only nod slowly, your face feeling heated from the fluster you were beginning to feel.

"I want to become a great artist," you said with all the courage you could muster.

For so long you had worked at perfecting your art, each piece getting better and better and yet things were going nowhere, you were stuck in a dead end job with no end in sight.

It was dragging you down and you knew, as soon as you'd heard about crossroad demons, that this was your chance to get out of the rut.

"I see, so you want money and fame," he chuckled.

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