Mistakes Happen - Request by Unclaimed Divergent Gryffinclaw

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Your leg bounced as you stared at the wall, your fingers drumming the knee of the other.

The images wouldn't leave your mind, those poor girls being torn apart because you didn't make it in time, because you'd been so cocky about what you were truly up against and hadn't listened to reason.

Your lip quivered as your eyes misted over again, which you tried to hide by hastily wiping at them with the palm of your hand.

"I'm not cut out for this, not anymore," you shook your head, looking to the middle of the room where Castiel stood, looking both awkward and sympathetic.

"You can't say that because of one mistake," he replied.

Your scoff mixed with a laugh as you rolled your eyes.

"A 'mistake' is throwing your spoon away instead of the yogurt pot, Cas, not getting two, innocent, young girls killed because you're shit at your own job."

Another sob forced its way out of your throat, catching your breath in the centre of your chest with a painful hiccup.

Covering your mouth with your hand, you turned back to the wall as a tear ran down your cheek.

"Listen to me," he said sharply, moving across the room in a few strides to side beside you on the bed, "you are not a bad hunter, sometimes people die and it's horrible but that doesn't mean you are incapable."

You worried your lip between you teeth and turned your head to him, lip still quivering as your words got caught in the back of your throat.

"This was so much worse, Castiel, they died because of me."

"And I won't lie, it could happen again, that's a casualty of what you do but you need to remember that so many others were saved for the lives of two and you either need to get over that or quit."

You stared at him wordlessly, the pain in your chest getting worse.

Of course he was absolutely right, hunting was never going to be about pure victory and many more losses were going to be made along the way but you didn't need his bluntness in that moment.

You didn't need the truth.


You'd been feeling a little more than inadequate.

When you became a demon you had hoped for more action, like the games and movies would lead you to believe a demon should be.

Big, imposing and earthshattering.

Not a secretary for some red misted bastard who cared about you as much as he cared for a worm.

Actually, he'd probably care more for a worm than you.

You wanted to prove yourself, to be out there on the field making deals and conning people out of long, fulfilling lives by manipulating them at their lowest.

So you did.

You essentially went rogue and started to make deals behind Crowley's back, knowing exactly how to work around him with your insider, pseudo-secretary knowledge.

All the years you had spent, listening to Crowley mock you about how useless you were and yet, you were going behind his back to get him more souls without him even noticing and excelling far better than his other minions.

Sure, maybe you weren't the best at keeping your feelings for him hidden, but apparently you were damn good at being a crossroads demon.

Too bad he'd never see it and would continue to shout you down at every turn.

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