Nice To Meet You Kind(?) Stranger - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix

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You let out an awful groan of pain as you pushed yourself onto your side, finding it too laborious to breath on your front.

The demons had long since retreated, leaving you a bloody pulp on the floor after they had ganged up on you and taken the artefact you had been after.

You wanted to say a snide remark to the air but found that attempting anything more than struggled breathing lead to nothing more than coughing up a concerning amount of blood.

You missed the days when demons were never a thought for a case, back when monsters and ghosts were pretty much all you had to deal with.

Time seemed to slow down and the edges of your vision were starting to turn dark.

It was no surprise that you would die during a hunt, but you had never anticipated that it would happen so early into your hunting career.

From somewhere in the haze, you could hear footsteps getting closer and assumed that the demons were returning to finish you off, how strangely merciful of them.

Instead, when rotten door swung open, a man dressed like Constantine stepped inside and looked around before catching your eye, his face twisting in bewilderment as he stepped closer.

Crouching beside you, he looked you over and shook his head.

"Don't worry," he said, pressing two fingers to your forehead, "I've got you."


Being dragged to Hell had never been something you imagined happening in your life, though you also never pictured hitting such a low that you ended up seeking out demons that made deals.

If your life hadn't taken the worst turn it possibly could, you wouldn't have been in the position you found yourself in, getting dragged down a corridor by two other demons who refused to tell you a single thing.

It was disorienting and everything moved too quickly, you could still feel the hellhound tearing into your skin as it dragged you down.

Hell wasn't what you had expected it to be.

Yes, souls were still screaming and begging but it wasn't all hellfire and brimstone with hot rods being poked into people's eyes, it looked more like someone had opened an office building in a cave with the world's worst queues.

You were dragged before two large doors, held suspended between the two demons carrying you while another, who you suppose acted as a guard, disappeared inside.

A minute or so later, the doors swung open and the demons were given permission to drag you inside.

Your feet scraped against the floor as you were pulled forward, your underarms hurt where they were holding you and you were beginning to wish that you had just continued your life of misery rather than take the easy way out.

"So," a smooth voice echoed around the room as you came to a stop, one of the demons forcing your head up to look towards a suave looking man upon a throne, "this is the sorry soul I reaped today."


The diner was bustling and the smell of their food was making your stomach grumble worse than it had been when you pulled up.

You'd been driving for hours and were more than ready to stuff your face before getting back onto the road.

It felt like you had been waiting for an eternity for your order, the hunger taking over as you tried to distract yourself with some people watching from the window you sat near.

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