You Needed A Break - Request

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"I'm not sure I understand."

You groaned in frustration, running an annoyed hand through your hair as the angel stares at you, wearing that damn look of confusion that was kind of heartbreaking.

"'This', Castiel, we can't keep doing this."

Over the past few weeks you had caught yourself thinking about your life, the hunts and the beings you had encountered.

Including your angelic lover.

You wee a little hesitant to call him your boyfriend, despite you regularly meeting for a bit of casual fun, you'd never done anything you would consider 'couple' activity.

Anyone could meet up for a bit of sex, but beyond that you were usually separated.

Castiel was usually off gallivanting around with the Winchesters whilst you were hunting and very rarely did you get more than an hour or two alone together.

It was all beginning to get too impersonal.

Then you began to think about what he was and what that meant.

You had no issues with him being an angel, it's what made him unique after all and it did come in handy at times, but there was one major flaw.

Despite everything that's happened and everything he'd gone through, he still didn't feel anything, not truly at least.

Sure, he may understand basic emotions now, but knowing and feeling are completely different things and this led to you questioning everything.

Was all this worth it if he couldn't truly return your feelings?

This moment, the moment you finally let out your truth, spoke wonders to you.

You had just told him that you thought that perhaps it would be best to break up and he barely seemed to react, aside from a look of confusion.

That cemented it for you.

Castiel just didn't fully comprehend your relationship and you couldn't hold the whole thing up alone.


"I'm sorry, what?"

The King of Hell raised his eyebrow, staring at you in slight bewilderment.

"I quit, I'm leaving," you repeated.

"Quit? Quit what? Being a demon?"

"No, being your overworked secretary."

"Oh, of course," he nodded slowly. "You're quitting your own, self appointed job."

You stared back at him with a glare, part of you knew he wouldn't take this seriously, but that didn't mean you couldn't hope otherwise.

You'd reached a point of exasperation now, overworked by the boss you were infatuated with had led nowhere and you were finally taking a stand.

Which still wasn't getting you far.

"I just feel that I deserve better," you said bravely.

However, this only earned a laugh from Crowley.

"'Deserve better?' I'm not sure you're fully aware of this, but let me let you in on a little secret."

Wearily, you leaned closer to Crowley as he moved closer to you, a small movement that caused your heart to race.

"You're in Hell!" He snapped, scowling angrily. "Things aren't meant to be pleasant and go your way here, not even for demons."

You mentally scolded yourself for not seeing where that had been going.

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