Another Ship Sailed

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(Note: Just going to drop in here and say that none of these are written to knock or promote ships. I'm not a shipper in any fandom and don't particularly care about any ships in Supernatural, canonically sailed or otherwise. This is all for a bit of fun, not to pit ships against each other or anything!

Anyway, hope you enjoy! ~ Hell.)


"She's a demon, Castiel!"

The angel stared at you with his usual expressionless face before nodding.

"I know."

"'I know'? Is that all you can say?"

"What would you expect me to say? What's done is done."

You scrunched your nose up in disgust and turned away from him, hardly able to believe what Castiel had confessed to you.

"An angel and a demon," you laughed bitterly. "Fan-freakin'-tastic."

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand the issue here."

"Of course you don't!"

You whirled around to face him again, your anger scaring even yourself and yet you couldn't control it.

"It's wrong, Castiel, it's like a cat and a dog, it shouldn't happen!"

"But Sam-"

"I know what Sam did and that was just a wrong, but I don't care about Sam!"

Your fists clenched tightly by your sides as you took a deep breath, closing your eyes to try and calm yourself.

This was why you never confessed feelings, it only led to more hurt.

You had built up the bravery to admit to Castiel how you felt, only to be shot down because of Meg.

The ache in your heart was indescribable, you had both been so close and you truly believed you were both so open with each other.

How had you not known about her?

Perhaps your own affections had blinded you, sure you'd noticed glances between them and her flirting but Meg seemed to have flirty with everyone.

Castiel stared at you with those sad eyes that would have once made your heart flutter, but now the look only made your stomach churn.

He didn't mean to hurt you or even intend for things to go this far and yet here you were, hurt and desperate to rewind the past five minutes.


"Please don't," you shook your head, keeping your eyes closed as it was the only way to hold in the tears.

Though your eyes ached and your throat hurt from the restraint, you weren't about to let Castiel see you cry over something that in the long run couldn't be helped.

He couldn't help his feelings as much as you couldn't help yours.

Really, you were glad that he had at least been honest with you and hadn't strung you along, but that was only a small plus in a whole lot of negative.

"Please just go."

Although you couldn't see him, Castiel stared at your back for another minute before nodding and taking his leave.

The fluttering of wings was the last thing you heard, signalling that he had left and that you could now let out the sob that was burning your throat.


"It's just the human blood, that's all."

This was a mantra you had been replaying over and over in your mind since finding out about Lola and her dealings with Crowley.

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