Trick or Treat - Halloween AU Special

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(Warning: Canon typical hauntings, beings, violence and details of road accidents.)


The searing pain was unbearable and made the road you were lying on all the more uncomfortable.

There was a stone pushing into your back, or perhaps it was the tail of your cat costume, but you couldn't move to reprieve yourself of that small bit of grief.

In fact you couldn't move anything but one arm and your head, though even a small head movement caused a blinding headache to smash through your skull like the Hulk was trying to escape from inside.

Flashing lights were blocked by the blurry shadows of people who loomed over you and though you registered that they were calling out to you, the sound was distorted and garbled.

Everything was hurting, well everything except your legs, those you couldn't feel.

Breathing was laboured, you could feel something rattling in your lungs each time you tried to breathe in.

Your eyes very slowly scanned the crowd, though one eye was harder to see through, no doubt due to the blood that ran down your forehead.

For a brief moment you thought your vision was clearing, there was a single man that stood out among everything else but that theory was pushed aside when you realised that everything else was still a blurry haze.

Unlike everyone else who was crouched over you this man stood as straight as pole, his eyes slowly roaming over your broken body and his expression nothing but sorrowful.

There was something calming about him, there even seemed to be a faint glow around his handsome features.

For a split second where you could have sworn that you could make out some broken, black wings within the light he resonated, sprouting beautifully from the man's back.

"Y-You're an an-angel," you barely managed to pant out, your voice barely recognisable even to yourself in your delirious state.

His stunning blue eyes met your own and despite the amount of sadness held within them you still found yourself smiling at him.

It was this uncontrollable surge of hope that caused you to smile, had you the energy or cohesion you would have scolded yourself.

" c-came to help m-me."

The man's eyes bored into yours, his look still not being one of comfort but more of melancholy.

"I'm really sorry," he frowned as he stepped closer, holding his hand out. "I'm not sure what you thought, but I'm not here to save you."

You stared up at him, your eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"But you're an angel," you gasped through the pain in your ribs.

"I am," he nodded in confirmation, "but I'm not here to heal you, I'm here to pass your soul over."


Your breathing was becoming shallower as it gradually began to get harder to pull air into your lungs, it seemed the closer his hand got to you the worse it was.

"I'm here to lead you on, that is my duty as Death."


"Oh Fergus," you cooed, looking down at the helpless human with a fond smile, "that look of yours is far too satisfying."

The young man stared up at you helplessly, unable to move due to the hellhound that was pinning him down by his arms, large paws practically crushing the bones beneath.

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