Starcrossed - Request by belovedAncient

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There was something delectably ironic about the angel's reluctance to work with you and you were basking in the hard looks he was giving you, that stern face he'd get when he was displeased with a situation but ultimately knew he couldn't change it.

"Come on, Cas," you smiled as charmingly as you could, "don't act like this is the first time you've worked with a demon."

"Don't bring Meg into this," he said gruffly.

"Oh, snappy."

He hated you but reluctantly accepted that you would be the best ally he had for what he needed to do, thus you ended up stuck with one another for months.

This unfortunate event turned hate into something far more conflicting and neither of you were willing to admit that there was more there, so instead you stuck with bickering and bantering.

Something which annoyed Dean greatly, as if allying with one demon wasn't bad enough.

He wanted you both to just smash out your differences already but seeing as that wasn't likely to happen soon, he merely took your 'totally not flirting' in stride until it became too much and he'd eventually snap.


"You're hardly the first angel I've worked with and I doubt you'll be the last."

You quirked your eyebrow at his smirk, his statement coming across almost cockily.

"So, what do you want for that? A bourbon-soaked cookie?"

"If you have one to hand."

You rolled your eyes and turned back to the scroll you'd swiped from a unit, one that the humans didn't know held valuable information pertained to both Heaven and Hell.

It had been a few months since you had approached the new King of Hell, offering your services for something that would grow to be a huge problem to him if he didn't see to it soon.

Sure, you may have ramped up the severity of unfallen angels wishing to invade the demonic domain, but if it got you the results you needed then you were more than happy to tell a few white lies.

You hadn't expected to grow fond of the red-eyed bastard and certainly didn't expect him to start flirting back, even if it was only lightly.

You just hoped that neither of you would end up double-crossing the other, that would put a real damper on the relationship.


He couldn't believe that he had found himself in this situation, after all the shit he had given Sam in the past for daring to trust a demon despite everything their family had gone through.

Granted, it was a reluctant alliance in order to help his brother, but it was an alliance all the same.

Naturally, he'd kept you as distant as possible in the beginning, only calling you unless absolutely needed and even then, not all that often when it was.

However, much to his dismay, Dean found himself starting to take a strange comfort in your presence the longer you were around each other and damn, did he feel like shit about it.

Sam would give him knowing looks or make jibes and Dean would brush him off, hiding the fact that he was actually starting to feel guilty with his affiliation with you.

Not that that stopped him from calling you to meet up time and time again, the lapse in between getting shorter and shorter.

It was both sordid and addictive and Dean knew he had to give it up, demons caused nothing but trouble, but damn if you weren't intoxicating.

You were going to be the death of him but if it also meant saving Sam's life then Dean would accept it all with open arms.


Gabriel was unphased by your kind from the start, he had worked with shadier beings and done more than questionable things himself.

He held no prejudices.

Who was he to judge based purely on your kind?

The angel only cared that you were perhaps up for some fun with him, like a rendezvous worthy of the movies.

Would it end in adventure?

True love?

Perhaps even heartbreak?

Only you two knew, but it all started with the both of you going after the same target for answers and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't find that strangely poetic.

The perfect start to a story of a delightfully dramatic affair.


Angel, demon, nephalem or nephilim, Lucifer didn't care one iota.

Nor did you care about his history or the legends behind his name.

You were equal fodder to one another, not knowing whether one of you would throw the other under the bus around the next corner, either metaphorically or literally.

It was exciting to you both.

The thrill was electrifying and in the strangest ways, kind of erotic, straight off the bat and only got worse with each interaction.

One of you could be plotting to destroy the other and knew that were you to succeed, the other would congratulate you for it.

It was twisted, perfect for the ex-King of Hell.


Guilt had churned in his stomach from the very beginning.

He had sworn not to let himself be lured into another trap like he had with Ruby and yet, that's exactly where he found himself.

A demon had come forth claiming to have information on the mark that was affecting his brother and despite his trepidations, Sam accepted any help that they could give.

"Trust me, I know it's hard, but I'm nothing like Ruby," you had smiled, "my vessel is much cuter."

Dean hadn't taken the news well when he found out and there had been another yelling match between the two, harmful words were shared but Sam couldn't fully hold it against his brother, he didn't know when it was Dean talking or the mark.

You had been there to help him pick up the pieces after the argument and that brought you both closer, though Sam tried to stay guarded.

He would deny it to himself that he was beginning to find himself drawn to you, past experiences being buried so that he could play oblivious.

Sam didn't know if this would hurt in the long run and he accepted that he'd kill you if he truly had to, he'd had no problem holding Ruby so that Dean could stab her so this should ultimately be no different.

For the time being, Sam would admire the way you smiled at him and didn't push the morbid acts he'd been coerced into before.

For now, Sam would accept any help he could get.

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