You Got A Day Off

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You both sat, albeit awkwardly, on a small and deteriorating couch that decorated part of your motel room.

Sat on a small coffee table in front of you and the angel was your own laptop, loaded on full screen so you could both get the best view of the show you were trying to watch.

Granted the view wasn't amazing, but it was still fairly relaxing and the best you could do.

The television in the room was from the eighteenth century and wouldn't connect to anything but aerial channels, so for now you and Cas were leaning forward, shoulder to shoulder, and watching the show on the cramped screen.

It wasn't the most desirable situation, but it did give you an excuse to get close to the angel and you reveled in finally being able to explain things to him, rather than seeming like the clueless human like in most situations.

Explaining the bits he didn't understand and watching his face contort a little in confusion as he tilted his head made your heart race, a goofy smile splitting your lips to accompany each soft chuckle.

Despite short bathroom and food breaks, you'd both stayed like that all day.

During those breaks you hated making the angel wait, but knew that he didn't particularly mind.

As you prepared your snacks you'd make idle and pleasant conversation, the atmosphere remaining mellow.

It was a wonderful and peaceful way to spend your rare time off.


The demon lifted his glass and gave it a little shake, making the ice cubes tinkle against the sides.

Like a good little demon you stepped forward and topped up his glass from the decanter secured in your hands.

And this was how you spent your days off.

When you weren't being summoned to make deals with morons with no clue or grasp on how hard life is, people who think they have been completely screwed over in life despite them not trying to make an effort to right wrongs themselves, you were stuck here with Crowley.

He'd be eyeing over various scrolls and deals that he'd pick and choose from, wanting to choose only the best place to send his beloved Juliette.

You can't say that you were doing this unwillingly, despite it being your time off you enjoyed watching Crowley work.

His head stayed bowed most of the time as he hunched over whatever source he was reading at the time, he'd only sit up when it needed sorting or he wanted a good gulp of Craig.

This would usually be accompanied by a mutter of how stupid people were.

It wasn't much and people would call you insane, but it felt nice to be around with without him insulting you for a change.

Or at least, not as often.


You smiled while looking out the Impala's passenger window as trees zoomed by, accompanied by the occasional fuel station or hut.

Music blared out of the car speakers and Dean happily drummed away on the steering wheel, you both singing along badly to the songs you knew.

There was no case to worry about today and Dean planned to make the most of it, so he had taken it upon himself to decide that you were both going fishing.

He'd already gotten everything you needed the night before, this was before even asking if you wanted to go.

Sam had decided to stay behind, "Probably to nerd out," Dean had chuckled after telling you.

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