You Are Expecting - Request

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You stared at the angel, chewing on your lip nervously.

Castiel stared back in return, his expression unreadable.

Although this is nothing new, in that moment you felt like you desperately needed some kind of reaction.

"Please at least say something, Cas," you frowned at him.

The uncomfortable aura in the room had quickly gotten suffocating, the air felt thicker and made your chest feel tight with each breath.

It had taken a while for your courage to build up to this point, the thought of telling him was a terrifying prospect and yet it had to be done.

He'd find out eventually anyway.

"I am uncertain what to say."

"Anything!" You yelled, needing to just hear something from your angelic boyfriend. "Just tell me how you feel, anything is better than the nothing I'm getting."

"It's not an easy thing to think about, I'm happy but cautious, our child won't be like the others."

"I know," you sighed, running a hand through your hair.

"They'll be nephilim and it scares me, I'm happy this has happened," he looked at you desperately, "but I'm terrified of them being hunted."

You let out a sigh and walked over to Castiel, wrapping your arms tightly around him as you buried your head into his chest.

"I know, which is why I need you for this," you muffled against his shirt and tie.

Castiel looked down at you, so many emotions he still wasn't accustomed to running through him that he was confused but he still wrapped his arms around you in return.

"I will do what I can for you both."


"Tell me you're kidding."

Crowley stared at you from his throne, his head resting on an open palm as his face contorted in an expression of pure unamusement.

"I'm not, but it's not even definite yet."

"It better not be, I already had one child I couldn't stand," he grimaced and rolled his eyes at the thought of his human-self's son. "I don't need another to hate."

"But you might not hate this one."

"Of course I will, children are a nuisance," Crowley scoffed. "They cry and vomit all over the place, you have to change them and they're just there, hanging around and wanting things for years."

You looked at the King with wide eyes, you knew he hated his son but this amount of vitriol was a shock even to you.

"So what if I am?"

"If you are, you are, doesn't mean I'll like it any more or any less."

"I don't know why I even bothered to tell you, like you'd even care."

Crowley only gave you a shrug in response, accompanied by a look that suggested that it was bit of an obvious statement that went without saying.

You felt anger boiling up in you, he had completely destroyed what could have been a happy moment and new beginning for you both.

"I knew I should have slept with a Winchester," you spat before storming out of the room.


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