You Are the Monster - Request

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He couldn't believe that it had slipped past him so easily.

Being an angel he figured that detecting something peculiar about people came with the territory, yet somehow he had been blind to the truth when it involved you.

Perhaps it was denial, maybe he had noticed something but subconsciously pushed in down to ignore the facts.

But he couldn't ignore this.

Not the way he'd found you, crouched near the ground with a cold, blue dismembered arm to your mouth.

You'd tried to stop yourself, knowing it wasn't exactly something that would be welcomed with open arms, but there was only so long that you could hold off from your diet.

It wasn't something you divulged in often, instead you'd opt to find all kinds of alternatives to sate your appetite.

However, every now and then it became too much to ignore and today had been one of those days.

You hadn't expect Castiel to walk in on you and the shame burned deep inside your chest, part of you suspected that he'd known all along but hadn't called it out, yet being caught in the act filled you with dread.

You both stared at one another with a thick silence lingering between you, you didn't know what to do or say as irrational humiliation coursed through you, even though there was truly no reason to feel ashamed.

You couldn't control what you were, you didn't ask to be born a ghoul.

But that didn't stop it hurting as Castiel finally tore his gaze from you and turned away, leaving the room without a word.



"Well," you shrugged a little, "It was just a small idea, what if one of us was a monster?"

"We're already demons, what more do you want?"

You both stared at each other for a short time, that is until you gave a curt nod and promptly return back to checking the details on your assigned deal scrolls as if nothing had happened.

This was why you hated small talk with Crowley.


The hunter let out a groan of exhaustion while holding onto each of your wrists, keeping them as far part and you as far away from his body as he could.

You tried snapping forward harshly, your jaw dislocating in an effort to fit his head inside your mouth with the hope that one clamp down of your large fangs into his skull would be enough.

He grimaced as you hissed, turning his head away and taking a deep breath.

"Oh man, you really need to see a snake dentist or something."

Dean was surprised he could even stand up at this point, you looked like an average person when you'd attacked him, aside from the few scales adorning your neck, ones that had been mostly covered by the collar of your shirt.

Once you'd decided to attack him, however, that was it.

One harsh kick to his stomach had sent him flying into a pile of cardboard boxes and subsequently the wall behind them, temporarily winding him.

Sam was off somewhere else in the factory, leaving Dean to struggle with the strange snake-human hybrid in front of him.

Usually he'd have had this over by now, a few evenly matched hits here or there would be shared and then he'd stab or shoot the son of a bitch, but the pain in his gut had debilitated him more than he'd ever openly admit.

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