The Baby Is Coming - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix

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The room was filled with groans, curses and laboured panting.

It wasn't the most dignified of moments, lying akimbo while pushing with all your might as your partner in reproductive crime stood near the bed.

The hours had passed slowly as the discomfort reached a crescendo, apparently no amount of reading could prepare you for just how hellish this moment would truly be.

You thought that you were ready for it until it started, then you were thrown through a loop and realised just how far from ready you were.

Was parenthood even your thing?

Your situation was so unusual that you weren't entirely sure, it wasn't like they made overly soppy and dramatic shows about the likes of you and the father's case.

You grit your teeth and leaned into another push, those concerns would have to be dwelled upon later.


Castiel watched with trepidation, his hand resting on your forehead as he tried to keep the pain at bay but concentrating on that and the incoming baby becoming a complicated distraction.

He was still in disbelief that this was happening, he was the father to a nephilim, he would have to protect both you and the baby from all kinds of enemies who would do anything to seek out that child's power.

Despite all the fears that flourished more with each uncomfortable push from you, Castiel found himself excited to meet his child after a strangely dragging nine months.

He had never had a true concept of time until this happened, never had human days felt so long.

With another groaned push from you, a loud cry filled the room and you fell back, panting heavily as sweat ran down your forehead.

The ordeal was over and after eleven hours you could finally hold your daughter.

Crowley was surprised to find himself waiting in the room as you pushed out his hell spawn, almost as surprised as he was when he found himself rushing to the room you were in upon hearing of it starting.

It had been a long time since he'd witnessed a birth, his dead son's happening so many centuries ago that the nuisances of parenthood were long since forgotten.

Nine months had passed with his complete disinterest, why did he find himself needing to be in the room now?

He watched with growing...eagerness? you yelled curses at him and the demons who were standing in as nurses, though he expected them to be as competent at this as they were with actually being demons.

They were, at least, giving you some form of pain relief so there was that, he supposed.

Crowley could only watch, drink in hand as you spent eight hours pushing his son into the world.

Oh, the things he would teach that boy.

Dean thought that he had been prepared.

After many talks with Sam about uncertainties, even if they spent weeks building up until the point of exploding, and self-motivated research, he truly thought he was ready for this moment.

Boy, was he learning how wrong he was.

You continued to break his hand as you pushed your little miracle into the world and all his preparation had gone out the window.

In fact, it had as soon as you told him that your contractions were kicking in.

He'd had a few moments in his life where his mind just went blank, but never had it felt as drastic as it did in that moment.

Dean Winchester was used to winging this and raising his son would be the ultimate form of 'winging it'.

His gut squirmed with a mixture of excitement and anxiety and by the sixteenth hour, when he heard the first cry coming from his son, he knew that he was ready to execute the ultimate 'winging it' of his life.

Gabriel had never anticipated anything more in his long life.

Though he hated seeing you in this amount of pain and discomfort, he found himself wrapped up in an excitedness that he hadn't felt for a long time.

Too long had he been going around, trying to find something to occupy his time and entertain him, never had he thought of having a child before.

Perhaps because he hadn't been romantically interested in anyone for quite a while.

Lust had taken over any form of affection for too many years and now that he was nineteen hours in from meeting his daughter, a whole new wave of emotions washed through him.

This he found strange in itself, considering that his kind weren't meant to feel emotions.

Would his daughter?

That was something he'd never considered, the intricacies of a nephilim and their state between human and angel.

He understood that many eyes would be on the three of you and he swore to protect you both as best as he could.

Never had anything so precious happened to him and for that, he swore his life.

Lucifer watched with sheer glee as you screamed in pain, fisting the sides of the bed as you pushed with all your might.

It wasn't that the pain of childbirth was entertaining to him, he'd been humane enough to not deny you your right to pain relief on the threat of his life, but it was more that a being of his making was entering the world to create utter havoc and chaos.

Oh, the things he will teach this child to do.

Coming into this world was the ultimate weapon and the anticipating was choking him.

He didn't care about the gender, he only cared that they were his to educate and raise.

Partners weren't anything new to Lucifer, many stories recounted tales of his amount of wives and though many were blown out of proportion, few saw true accounts.

You, however, were different in his eyes and he didn't plan to treat you as he did the others.

Luring you in with fanciful promises and a handsome face to then marry you and toss you aside for the new, more exciting piece of meat.

No, you were going to suffer with him for as long as you could put up with it.

Together, you would raise this child.

Sam's leg bounced as he watched the midwives and doctor do their work, feeling guilty and helpless at not having any way to help you himself.

Sure, he could offer words of reassurance and let you break his arm in your vicelike grip every time you were instructed to push but that didn't feel like enough.

You'd spent so much time preparing for this, so why did he feel completely unprepared?

Dean had been a great help, he'd been more than happy to learn that he was going to be an uncle and jumped at any opportunity there was to get something ready.

Without the support he had, Sam felt as though he'd be so much further from ready than he already felt.

You let out another guttural roar and gave his wrist another tight squeeze as the doctor gave another instruction.

Although he wasn't going through what you were, he felt the exhaustion of the past twenty or so hours and he didn't envy your position in the slightest.

"Okay," the doctor said, lifting up the unsurprisingly large bundle as a nurse readied herself to clean them off, "and that's one healthy boy."

Sam watched the nurses with utter adoration, tears welling up in his eyes.

You had done it and he couldn't be prouder of you.

The amount of love and adoration he felt were insurmountable and he knew that this feeling would only continue to grow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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