You're Suffering from Weight Insecurities (Plus Size)

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"I'm not sure I understand your complaint."

You looked at Castiel in exasperation, "Really? You can't see that I look like a hippo?"

The angel gives you a weird look, "You look very human to me."

"I meant that I'm big," you rolled your eyes a little, irritated despite knowing that he wasn't accustomed to social cues.

"You are still very small compared to an angel."

"I don't mean height wise, Cas."

"Nor do I," he gave you what seemed to be an attempt at a comforting smile, "Zacharia had four heads, imagine how big he had to be to sustain them."

You stared at the angel for a lingering moment and then smiled, it wasn't exactly the most comforting to hear but you knew that he only meant the best and that alone meant enough to you.

Knowing that he didn't really understand human emotions made the fact he was at least trying to comfort you about your insecurities all that more sweet.

Although it hadn't fully worked, you were willing to accept his attempts and let him believe that he had truly helped with his words of angelic wisdom.


"So go and find another meat suit."

That wasn't exactly the answer you were looking for when confiding some of your issues to the king and now you realised exactly why you would usually kept it to yourself.

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for," you stared at your boss with a blank expression.

"What else would you expect?"

"For you to say that I look fine or something, I know it's a stretch but maybe something positive?"

Crowley looked up from his scroll, giving you a look of complete confusion mixed with utter annoyance.

"Don't be ridiculous, like I'd ever say anything positive, you know I work on negative reinforcement."

"I'm not," you protested, choosing to ignore the second part of very true statement.

"You are," he replied bluntly with a scowl, "you chose that vessel, you knew what they looked like when you took it and you don't eat so clearly you're not at fault here."


"Let me finish."

You clamped your mouth shut and looked away from him, sulking at his snapping at you.

"You picked a vessel that you knew had a few extra pounds to it, so don't complain about it when you, clearly unlike them when they controlled the blasted thing, have more control over your weight choice."

In a childish reaction you puffed out the vessel's slightly chubby cheeks and crossed your arms, sending a small and very short lived glare towards the demon.

"Besides, it's not like I care how big it is."

That little add on made you completely forget how irritated you had been just mere seconds ago, in an extremely emotional shift all because he had given you something you could vaguely take as a compliment.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," you grinned.

Placing the last scroll on his desk, you gave him an affectionate smile before turning on your heel and leaving the room.

Crowley stared after you in complete bemusement until he gave an exhausted groan.

"What have I just done?"

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