You Conjured Up Weird Feelings in Them

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He wasn't sure what was happening to him.

There was a strange bubbling in his chest and a fluttering in his stomach, every now and then it felt like his borrowed heart would skip a beat, but only when a particular hunter as around.

Their gorgeous smile.

Their cheeky sense of humour.

Their bravado.

Just everything, everything about them made him feel odd and Castiel wasn't sure if he liked it.

"Aww, Cas has got a crush," Dean had chuckled when the angel confided in him.

Castiel hadn't responded at the time, far too confused by Dean's statement to find a reply.

But now he understood.

These forms of emotion still felt uncomfortable to him, but he was beginning to adapt to them and could now think of how to act on it.

As expected, Dean had tried to help in his own way, sprouting off nonsense about dating and what not to do before ending the entire spiel with the best way to take it to the bedroom.

Sam had been quick to shut his brother down, telling Cas that taking dating advice from Dean would be like taking golfing advice from a football player.

"Just do what feels right for you," he had smiled.

So Cas decided to wait for a while, perhaps the feelings would pass in time and he could continue as if nothing happened.

For a while it seemed to work, he'd been so busy with the Winchester and focusing on Lucifer that any emotion had been long forgotten. He's also purposefully avoided any contact, believing that he'd perish before even having a chance to confess.

Yet the pit opened and closed with Sam inside, Dean had gone to live a 'normal life' and Castiel survived, if you looked past the minor combustion from Lucifer.

For a while he had been lost, unsure of what to do or where to go he went to the one person he felt driven to see.

At the time he wasn't entirely convinced that Deans conclusion was right, but he couldn't deny that he was starting to see his point.


There was just something.

Something that annoyed yet intrigued him about one particular demon.

Sure, they weren't exactly competent in his eyes, more of a screw up than some of the others surrounding him and yet he felt compelled to keep them around.

Not that he'd admit it, even to himself.

Preferring to live in denial over his affections, if he could call it that.

Clearly there was something there, otherwise he wouldn't have gone out of his way to create a job that wasn't open or needed in the first place in order to keep a close eye on them.

To make sure that, in his own sordid way, that they were safe.

It wasn't a need that Crowley was particularly used to feeling, he rarely cared for another and the concept was rather foreign to him.

Heck, he could barely stand his own son when he was alive and yet that demon seemed to hold a special place inside his cold, dead heart.

He liked it, but hated it more.

Crowley was more than thankful when he was able to get out and help the Winchesters, giving them the hint they needed towards the rings of the Horsemen.

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