Hammer throw

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We went up to the astronomy tower, because we sure as heck didn't know what to do. "Let's.. um... call our parents? They'll know what to do." Albus was trying to come up with something off the top of his head, and it wasn't working very well. Besides, if we called my parents it wouldn't work at all... they still hate me after all... I found myself biting back tears again. 

"Rose? Something's up. You need to tell us, right now." Scorpius turned me around and I looked into is steely grey eyes for a few seconds before breaking off in tears. Scorpius held me close and hugged me for a few minutes, and it admittedly made me feel much better. 

"Why, hello you three, fancy seeing you up here." We jumped at the sound of Delphi's voice behind us. "Delphi?!" I whispered. "You know, I could just hit you all with the killing curse and be done but... that isn't as fun... oh! How about this?" 

She waved her wand and Scorpius and I levitated into the air. Albus tried to pull us down, but it was no use. She threw us out the window and into the forest. I started falling somewhere near the middle, and I hit my ankle on a tree. It burned and sent an almost foglike haze into my vision. 

I hit my head on a tree and blacked out 

Albus's POV

I watched as my best friend and cousin were levitated away from me and into the forest. Delphi smirked, turned around, and left me alone. 

I just sat there for a few minutes before jumping up and racing towards the forest. My best friends were somewhere in there, and I was going to find them. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now