The knight bus

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....a double decker bus stopped in front of me. 

The driver stuck his head out and said, "Welcome to the knight bus, little lady... my gosh, you're Rose Granger Weasley!"

"Yep, that's me." I said. My kidnapper was trying to get around the bus, so I hurriedly asked, "Can I board?" 

"Of course, young lady. Hop aboard!"

He led me up to the top level, because he could see that I was tired and probably wanted alone time. "Where do you want to go?" 

I thought for a second. "The leaky cauldron, if you would please?" he nodded and I looked around at the floor. It was covered in beds and I chose one close to the window, and the driver started the bus. 

It was like riding on one of those muggle bumper cars, except more extreme and you didn't have seat belts. 

I was thrown off the bed on the first bend, and the other beds kept rolling around. One almost rolled over the top of me, but I avoided it. 

We finally stopped at a different spot, and I heard the driver say, "Hello, young gentlemen what can I do for you?"

"Um, actually, we need help finding someone." I realized that the boy talking was my cousin, Albus Potter! "Who are you looking for?" the driver asked. 

"Well, Rose Granger Weasley, sir." said the other boy, who sounded like... Scorpius Malfoy! "Oh, I can help you with that. You see, she's on this bus."

I peered over the bed and saw my cousin do the smallest of double takes. "Can we see her?!" Scorpius sounded excited. "Wait you two are... Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy! Hop aboard, I am taking your cousin to the leaky cauldron, do you two want to come?"

"YES PLEASE!" Scorpius was practically jumping for joy. They boarded and stopped when they saw me. "Rose?" Albus asked. I nodded and hugged him. "ROSE!!!!" Scorpius joined in, and I didn't mind. "Oh my gosh I thought I lost my cousin!" Albus cried. 

I smiled at him. Then the bus started and the two of them got on beds, and I sloth gripped the bedposts. "Rosie, why are you holding on to those like that?" Scorpius asked, confused. 

Then the bus started and he wasn't confused anymore. 

Hermione's POV

The phone was ringing, it had the number of the knight bus, so I answered it. 

"Hello? Is this the minister?" Stan Shunpike asked. 

"Yes, I am. What is is Stan?"

"Good, because I am taking your daughter to the leaky cauldron right now, she's safe. I also have Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter."


"What is it Hermione?" Ginny looked worried and excited at the same time. "They found them."

"OUR KIDS?!?!?!!!!!" 


Ginny cheered and we ran out of the room to get Harry, Draco and Ron. 

Rose POV

We were trying to avoid getting crushed, and we somehow ended up on the same bed. I felt almost like I was in that muggle movie 'Mission Impossible' and we were dodging things to get out alive. Stan soon stopped the bus at the leaky cauldron and said, "The Leaky Cauldron."

Scorpius had a weaker stomach so he was barfing into a garbage can. I took the two of them and we stepped off, dizzy as heck. 

My mum ran up to me and hugged me, and my dad joined the hug. "Oh Rosie you're alright!" my mum said. Wow, my parents were good at acting. I cried and my dad picked me up. "Let's go in and get you some food, medical attention, and rest, sweetie." my Dad said. 

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