Why the heck is there a muggle car in the forest?!

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Rose's POV

I walked through the forest with Scorpius, following the sometimes appearing sun. We would sometimes talk, but mostly we would just look around and worry. The trees behind us looked foreboding, and the trees in front of us looked to be more or less the same. We were almost lost, in the sense that we didn't know where we were, but we knew what to follow and where to go. 

Around what I guessed was noon, we heard a noise behind us. We turned around and Scorpius jumped in front of me protectively. There was a creaking sound, almost sounded like metal, and it kept getting closer. 

Scorpius gripped the stick he was holding even tighter, and I looked for a weapon as well. 

There was a shuddering sound, and something jumped out of the bushes. We hugged each other and as we waited for our imminent doom, we heard...

A car horn?

We looked up to see a blue Ford Angila, worn and rusted from roaming the forest. "Why the heck is there a muggle car in the forest?!" Scorpius exclaimed, confused. 

Of course! "This is grandpa's car!"

Scorpius looked at me, confused. "Your grandpa's car?! Which one, I could see it going both ways."

"My dad's dad's car. My dad and my uncle, in their second year, were blocked from entering platform 9 and 3/4, for reasons they discovered later. They took my grandpa's car to school, and it ran out of gas right above the whomping willow...."


"Yes, it flies. Anyways, the willow beat on the car really hard before the car fell out. Its passengers, my dad and uncle, were thrown out and the car sped into the forest. It saved their lives when they confronted some spiders later that year."

Scorpius just stood there staring at me, and then the car. He looked between me and the car for several minutes before moving towards it. "Wow, this thing has been through a lot..."

I nodded and felt a pang of sadness at the thought of my dad. Scorpius didn't notice, he was engrossed in the car and its functions. "Can we ride it out?" He asked, the excitement on his face evident. 

"The thing kinda has a mind of its own, but I'm willing to try it."

But, before we could get in, there was more rustling in the vegetation around us. 

I grabbed Scorpius's hand and we both looked around, and soon it became evident that we were surrounded by huge, hairy spiders. 

"What shall we do with them?" one of the bigger ones asked. "Eat them. The males are better fresh, the females are better aged. Take the male and leave the female to age. 

We tried to run but the spiders were too big and strong for us to fight them. They wrapped Scorpius up in webbing and dragged him away. They hit me with webbing, binding me to a nearby tree. They left, and the first thing I thought was, "This is a sticky situation... gosh dangit that wasn't even good"

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